Chapter 115: Long Road Ahead

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Clementine's POV
You've been on the road for about a week. It's starting to get cold due to winter approaching. You miss Y/N and AJ, but mostly Y/N. You miss the feeling of waking up next to him. You miss the feeling of his warm and calming hugs. You wish he could be here right now. Hopefully he's doing okay.

The carriage comes to a stop. You look at Elric.

Clem: Why're we stopping?

El: I think we're setting camp.

The back of the carriage opens.

Soldier: Alright, everyone. We're gonna be stopping here to recharge. Get your tents ready, and we'll get you all something to eat. Clementine.

You look at the soldier.

Clem: Yeah?

Soldier: You think you could keep watch for a bit?

You nod.

Clem: Sure.

Everyone gets out of the back of the carriage. The soldier hands you a silenced rifle and you walk over to the edge of the campsite.

You see a stump and you sit down. You scan the tree line and don't see anything. You sigh in relief. You set the rifle down.

This reminds you of the night you and Y/N kissed. You smile at the memory. You remember how he wasn't afraid of showing his missing eye anymore. You remember how he didn't wear his hat, so his long hair would just fall to his shoulders. Man, was his hair long.

El: Yo.

You look to your left to see Elric.

Clem: Hey.

He sits on a boulder next to the stump.

Clem: What're you doing?

He shrugs.

El: Thought you could use some company.

Clem: Well, thanks, but I kinda prefer to do watches alone.

El: Why?

Clem: You know, distractions and stuff.

El: Understandable. But can't we both do watch?

You shrug.

Clem: Yeah, I guess.

You're both now doing watch. It's sorta quiet. You can't hear anything but the crickets. There's not really anything going on. It's kinda awkward.

El: You want to know something, Clementine?

You look at El.

Clem: What?

El: always peaceful. Most things happen during the day. But at night? Well, you just get to relax.

Clem: You shouldn't get comfortable with that. A lot can happen at night. I mean, we were literally almost killed a few nights ago.

El: True, true... But I could list more bad things that happen at day than at night.

Clem: I once got shot at night. I nearly lost half a group at night. Y/N and I had to save AJ from a burning settlement at night. I had to escape an attacked community at night... Even if it's just one night, a LOT can happen.

He gives a sympathetic look.

El: You and Y/N've been through hell together, huh?

Clem: Yeah. We also had to walk back.

El sighs.

El: You know...I'd kinda like that kind of thing with Anna.

Clem: You like Anna?

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