Chapter 21: The House

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Everyone gets inside and Christa lays Omid on the couch, but it's still painful for him.

Omid: Argh!

Christa whisper: Sorry! Sorry!

Omid: No, it's okay. I'm good. Feel better already just being off my feet. Thanks, babe.

Christa walks over to you, Lee, Kenny and Clementine.

Christa: So, when were you gonna tell us about the radio?

Kenny: Tell you what?

Christa: That it's working!

Lee: I was gonna tell you. Kenny and I only found out yesterday.

Christa: So both of you were keeping it from the rest of us? Great.

Kenny: Who gives a shit about the damn radio? I'm more worried about whoever it was out there ringing that bell and bringing the dead down on top of us! It's like didn't want us to make it to the river!

Christa: What makes you think it's not the same person? Whoever it was on that radio was close enough to see us on the street. And we didn't see anyone else other than the guy in the bell tower.

Kenny: Because it doesn't make a lick of damn sense. Why would bring out the dead like that and then try to warn us about it?

Lee: Whoever it was, seems like they're following us. And I don't like being followed.

You: Ditto.

Kenny: All the more reason to get on a damn boat, where we can't be followed.

You: Well hold on, we can't get on a boat yet.

Kenny: Why the hell not?

You: Because Clementine's parents are still out there, we need to find them!

Kenny: Lee, can you talk some sense into this kid?

Lee: Kenny...

Kenny scoffs.

Kenny: Whatever...

Christa: I'll make sure Kenny and Ben check upstairs, you can take down here.

Lee: Yeah, got it.

Everyone except you, Clem and Lee walk away.

Clem: Is there anything we can do?

Lee: Thanks, I got it. You two can hang out with Christa and Omid until I get back, okay?

Lee turns his back.

Clem: Lee...

Lee turns around slightly.

Clem: I'm sorry.

Lee turns around entirely.

Lee: What for?

Clem: Going through the door like that, without checking first. I guess that was pretty dumb, huh?

Lee smiles.

Lee: Just ask me first, next time you're gonna go outsmart all the grown-ups. Okay? That goes for you too, Y/N.

You: chuckle I've been outsmarting all the grown-ups since this whole thing started.

Lee: chuckle You sure have.

You and Clem walk in the living room and sit on a couch next to each other.

You: This place is huge!

Clem: Yeah, I know, I wish I lived in a place like this before it all happened!

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