Chapter 153: Interrogation

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It's now the morning. You and Clem are walking through the courtyard. There're so many dead walkers laying around. You and Clem stop walking.

You hear crying coming from your right, so you both look over to see Willy on his knees, crying over Mitch's corpse. Willy's holding onto Mitch's cold, dead hands. He has a bag over his head so that people can't see the stab wound.

Willy: Mitch... I...I...

You whisper: He's been there all night.

Clem whisper: I don't blame him. They were pretty close.

You whisper: ...Should we...? Ya know.

Clem nods.

You both walk over to Willy.

Willy: At the start, I was so little, and...and Mitch looked after me. People said he was a dick sometimes, but he was always nice to me. And now... Now he's gone. Stabbed in the eye by some asshole who never even knew his name.

You get on one knee and you put your hand on his shoulder.

You: It's okay, man... I bet he wanted to go out fighting.

Willy: Yeah...that was Mitch... A hero...

You take your hand away from his shoulder, as Louis walks up to you and Clem.

Louis: Abel's tied up in the basement. He passed out from the pain.

Clem: Thanks.

Louis: AJ wanted to stay down there and keep an eye on him.

Everyone starts to gather around. Louis crouches next to Willy.

Louis: Hey, buddy... It's time for us to bury Mitch, and say our goodbyes.

Tenn steps closer to Mitch's corpse.

Tenn: I'll help you carry--

Willy: Get away from him! He says, pushing Tenn to the floor. You're the reason he's dead!

Ruby: Willy!

Willy: Well, it's true!

You help Tenn up.

Willy: We had a plan and that idiot messed it up!

You: Hey! Cut that shit out.

Willy: Someone's gotta say it! It's what everyone's thinking.

Tenn runs off.

Ruby: Tenn!

Louis: Let me handle this. Talk to Abel, see if you can't find out where Lilly took Vi, Omar, and Aasim. I wanted to hurt him, you know, to make him talk. But...I just couldn't. Maybe you guys'll get more out of him than I did.

You and Clem look at the cellar doors.

You: Come on.

You both start walking over to them.

Small timeskip
You and Clem make it down to the boiler room. You see Rosie laying down next to the furnace that Brody died on. Rosie's tied to the furnace so that she can't attack Abel.

You see an Ericson's pennant on the wall. You take it off and you put it in your pocket.

Clem: What's that for?

You: I don't know. Our room?

She nods. You both walk over to a shelf. Clem picks up a roll of duct tape.

You find a sketch pad on the shelf next to a few file boxes and you pick it up.

You look at the bloodstain on the floor. You sigh.

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