Chapter 101: Wanting to Grow Up

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You wake up in the bed and you look behind you to see that Clem was watching you sleep. She has her head rested in her hand and her elbow rested on the pillow.

Clem: Morning.

You sit up.

You: Good morning. You say, stretching your arms.

You stop stretching your arms and you look at Clem.

You: Were you watching me sleep?

Clem: Sorry. You just look really peaceful when you're asleep.

You shrug.

You: I don't mind.

You peck her on the lips and you get out of bed.

You: Did you get any sleep? You say, putting on your boots.

Clem: Yeah. I woke up a few minutes ago, and thought I'd just watch you.

You: Did I snore?

Clem: Little.

You chuckle.

You: Sorry.

You put on your glasses.

Clem: I thought it was pretty cute. She says, getting out of the bed.

You get done putting on all your gear. Clem puts her boots on. You put your hat on, and Clem puts on hers.

AJ comes bursting in.

AJ: Look what I found!

He pulls out a small revolver by the barrel.

You walk over to him. You take the gun and you inspect it.

You: Where'd you find this?

AJ: It was underneath the couch pad thingy.

You look at AJ and you smirk.

You: Cushion.

AJ: Oh.

Clem: What were you doing looking through the couch cushions?

AJ: Looking for stuff.

You: Such as...?

AJ: I don't know. Whatever I could find.

You: Huh. Why don't I put that in my bag for now.

AJ: Can you teach me how to shoot? I'm old enough.

You: AJ...

You sigh.

You: This isn't really the appropriate place.

AJ: Appropriate?

You: The best place to do it.

AJ: But I need to learn. What if I need to protect you guys?

Clem: AJ, we're the ones protecting YOU.

AJ: I wanna do something that helps. Something other than keeping watch when you guys hide the car.

You rub your chin.

You: Hmm...

You look at Clem.

You: We should probably check these houses, make sure that they're clear.

Clem nods.

You look back at AJ.

You: How about this? You and Clem go search the houses, and that'll be your way of helping out today. Sound good?

He smiles.

AJ: Okay!

You smile. You turn to Clem.

You: You okay with that?

Clem: Sounds good to me.

AJ: This'll be so cool!

You get on one knee in front AJ.

You: Make sure you stay close to Clem, okay?

AJ: I know.

You: Good.

You stand up.

Clem walks up to you and kisses you.

Clem: We'll be back.

Clem and AJ walk out of the room.

You sigh. You walk over to the bookshelf, and you see what there is to read.

You: Hmm...

You pick a book and you pull it out of the bookshelf. You read the title.

You: "To Kill a Mockingbird". Sounds interesting.

A/N: That's my summer reading assignment, so I'm adding that. XD

You walk over to your bed and you lay down. You open the book and you begin to read.

Clem's POV
You and AJ walk out of the house. You look at a house across the street.

Clem: Wanna start with that one? You say, pointing at the house.

AJ: Okay.

You both walk across the street.

AJ: Will YOU teach me how to shoot?

Clem: I don't think so, goofball.

AJ: Why not?

Clem: A: if Y/N doesn't think it's a good idea, it's most likely not a good idea. B: it just isn't necessary.

AJ: What about when it IS necessary?

Clem: AJ, Y/N and I will teach you someday. But right now? It's not that we think you can't handle it, we just...don't wanna make you do something like that at your age.

AJ looks down in defeat. You grab his shoulder and you stop walking.

You put your hands on your knees and you look at him.

Clem: AJ, me and Y/N are very proud that you wanna help. We are. But you can only be a kid once. Do you really wanna spend it by holding a gun?

AJ: ...I don't know.

Clem: All you've gotta know is that you WILL learn someday. You just gotta wait.

He looks up at you. He cracks a smile.

AJ: Okay.

You smile.

Clem: Come on. Let's go search that house.

You both continue walking over to the house.

Your POV
You're passed out on the bed with the book covering your face.

You hear something fall over from downstairs, causing you to wake up.

???: Goddammit. Pick that shit up. Now, come on. Let's search the house...

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