Chapter 50: Sing Me a Song

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A/N: I'm changing the script with this chapter. It's going to mix in with twd show. Now, enjoy.

You both walk inside and see Carver talking to Rebecca through the window in his office. You both walk past a blonde guy with a rifle.

Guy: Dude, you bros better go up and see Bill.

You both stop walking.

Guy: He doesn't like to wait. guys should probably go.

You continue to walk past a bunch of aisles.

You make it to the a set of stairs. You both walk up the stairs and hear crying from the office. You see Rebecca walking out Carver's office, sobbing.

Clem: Rebecca?

Rebecca walks past you, down the stairs.

Carver: She's a strong woman...

You both make it to the top of the stairs to see Carver waiting.

Carver: ...surrounded by weak men. I ain't lettin' my kid get raised around that. Get in here.

You walk into the office to see Alvin in a chair, all bloodied up.

Clem: Alvin!

You both walk over to him.

You: Alvin!

Carver: He passed out hours ago. He can't hear nothin'. No point in making a racket.

Clem: Why are you doing this?

Carver: Me and him, we got history. Understand? A couple things we had to...get worked out.

You: You're a bully...

Carver: Come again?

You: You're just a bully... I know it wasn't a fair fight.

Carver: Yeah, I suppose it wasn't. But life ain't fair most of the time. I wouldn't be so concerned about his well-being if I were you. Not with you both being so close to the fire yourself. Now...

He gestures to his desk. You both walk over to his desk. You sit in the right chair, Clem sits in the left.

Carver: You make sure you tell me the truth when you're sittin' where you are...and you won't end up over in that chair. He says, gesturing to Alvin.

You look over at Alvin.

Carver: You might not believe this after what happened earlier, but...I liked Reggie. He was a funny guy. He kept things light. You need folks like's easy to let depression sink in during times like this. He says, walking over to his chair. But he was weak.

He leans his hands on his desk.

Carver: And I don't mean just 'cause he was maimed, that wasn't his problem.

He sits in his chair.

Carver: He was weak of will. Weak of character. And we can't have that around here...not anymore. Not with what we got at stake. You have to be able to contribute...

You: You're a murderer! You can try and call it something else...but I know what it is. What it really is.

Carver: Listen, Y/N...

Carver then laughs. He rubs his face.

Carver: I can't do it. It's like talking to a birthday present. You gotta take that crap off your face. I wanna see what gramma got me!

You glare at him.

You: ...No.

Carver: Three men! Punishment... You really wanna piss me off?

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