Chapter 77: One Eyed Survivor

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You drive down the road with one of the cars that Kenny found. Kenny's teaching you how to drive.

Kenny: That's good. Getting into first gear's the hardest part. Now just stay on the road. Most important rule there is. Now let's try shifting into second.

You shift the car into second gear.

Kenny: Not bad at all. Especially for a first time. You just...gotta ease up off the clutch a little smoother, alright? You don't have to make the switch all at once.

You sigh.

You: I'm still confused on why we didn't just pick an automatic.

Kenny: Because every car out there ain't an automatic. You need to be able to drive whatever you find keys for. And once we get down to Florida, we'll ditch the wheels, and I'll make a sailor outta you, mark my words.

You blow hot air into your hand.

Kenny: What's the matter?

You: Nothin'... I just wish this frickin' heater would work.

Kenny: Only makes sense to head for Florida sooner than later. Leave all this snow behind, right? Be like summer every day. Hell, I'm gonna have to find me some shorts!

You: Gotta definitely does sound nice to get out of this cold and into the hot sun.

Kenny: No more winters ever again, Y/N!

You: Yeah. You say with a slight chuckle. But...

Kenny looks at you.

Kenny: But what?

You sigh.

You: It's just... The closer we get to Florida, then farther we get from...well, ya know.

Kenny: Oh...

He nods.

Kenny: Yeah, I get it. You two were so close. I can't imagine how hard it is for you.

You: Most mornings...I expect her to wake up next to me. Sometimes I actually forget that she's in Wellington. My head convinces me that she's just outside, waiting by the fire... Then I have to remember that she's not with me anymore all over again.

Kenny has a face of sympathy.

You: You don't...think she hates me, do you?

Kenny: What? No. Of course not. I'm sure that her and AJ are livin' their best lives right now. She probably has a bunch of friends. A nice bed. Some hot meals. YOU gave that to them. Don't ever forget that.

You: Yeah, I guess...

Kenny: Listen...when we get to Florida, we'll be able to fish. We can swim. We'll watch the sunrise every morning. The both of us. But we ain't gettin' nowhere doing 25 miles an hour. Shift her into third. Let's get her really cookin'.

You shift into third gear.

Kenny: Well, there you go, kid! Time we get to Florida, you'll be a better driver than me! Proud of you, Y/N.

You: What can I say? I got a great teacher.

Kenny: You know, I...I always dreamed about the day I'd teach Duck to drive. You're the best second chance I could ask for.

You both smile at each other.

You: Hey, do you think you could get me my blanket. I'm fucking freezing.

Kenny: Yeah, gimme a sec.

He takes off his seatbelt and looks in the back seat. He starts rummaging through your bag to find your blanket.

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