Chapter 69: A New What Now?

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It's been a few months since Wellington.

You run through the woods with AJ on your back. You're being chased by walkers. You make it to an abandoned bus.

Clem: We can hide in here.

You run over to the bus and you try to open it, but it's jammed. AJ looks back at all of the walkers and gets scared.

Clem: Don't worry. It's gonna be okay.

You stand back and you try kicking the door open, but it doesn't work. You try a second time and it swings open.

You step inside and you close the door behind you. You look around. It doesn't have much.

You set AJ down. You look out the boarded up window, to see walkers making their way over to the door. You look for something, to block the door.

Clem: Oh, come on.

You barricade the door with a shelf. AJ starts to whimper.

You get on one knee and you put your finger to your lips.

Clem whisper: Shh. AJ, it's alright.

Walkers pound on the bus and AJ begins to cry.

Clem whisper: I know you're hungry.

You pick up AJ and you stand up.

Clem whisper: Shhh...

He stops crying.

Clem whisper: That's it...

You set him down and you get back on one knee.

Clem whisper: We're gonna wait for them to go and then we're gonna find you some dinner. You say, standing up.

You walk away.

Clem whisper: Hopefully find us some dinner. You say, sitting down

Someone tries opening the other door.

Girl: Son of a bitch! Hey! I can hear you in there! Let me in! Please! Oh, god...there's so many... Please don't leave me out here.

You stand in front of AJ. You take out Y/N's old revolver and you aim it at the door.

The woman bursts in and tries to block the door. She notices that you have your revolver aimed.

Girl: Oh, shit. Hey there.

Clem: Hello.

Girl: You can keep that thing pointed at me if it makes you feel better... But if you shoot me, you'll have to deal with all of them. Pretty big group of 'em out there. But it'll pass...eventually.

Clem: Stop talking, do what I say, and you might survive this.

Girl: Yes, ma'am.

Walkers nearly bust the door down. The girl struggles to keep the door closed.

Girl: Shit...

You put Y/N's revolver away and you run towards the door, causing AJ to cry. You push against the door.

The girl barricades the door with a plank. She puts her hands on her knees, out of breath.

Girl: Goddamn it! Well.

You walk back over to AJ.

Girl: I'd say we make a pretty good team.

AJ points at the girl with a worried expression on his face. You sit down next to AJ. The girl sits down in the floor.

Girl: The two of us... The three of us, I mean.

Clem: Trust me. I've been part of a team. A REAL good one. WE are not a team.

You gesture to you and AJ.

Clem: This is my team.

Girl: Pretty small team...

Clem: We could have survived without you.

Girl: Yeah, well, I couldn't have survived without you... And I'm not too big to admit it. He's a cute kid. You guys live in here? You seem kinda young to be a mom. What are you? Thirteen? Damn. You're a child yourself. She says, walking up to you and AJ.

She gets on one knee next to AJ.

Clem: I'm old enough to put a bullet in you.

Girl: Whoa, take it easy. I'm not looking to make enemies here. We were out there scouting...nothing out of the ordinary, and then--chaos in--shit. Those bastards are slow, but goddamn it, when there's enough of them... I got separated from the others. God, I hope they all made it. Thought we were ready for anything. But they were all around us before we saw them.

Clem: I'll bet they didn't.

Girl: You don't know my friends.

She stands up and walks over to a window, which has a walker banging on it.

Girl: My people are probably at the rendezvous by now. What's left of them, at least...

You pick up AJ and you stand up.

The girl turns to you.

Girl: By the way, I'm Ava.

Ava: And my group...we call ourselves the New Frontier. She says, rolling up her sleeve to reveal a brand on her arm.

AJ starts crying.

Clem: He's hungry...

You set AJ down and you crouch next to him.

Ava: Hey...why don't you come with me, meet my people?

You look up at the girl.

Ava: We have food...blankets...bottled water...

You look at AJ.

Ava: C'mon, dinner's on me.

You look back at Ava.

Ava: I owe you one.

Clem's thoughts: God. I could really use Y/N's knee bones, right about now.

Y/N always said, "When your gut tells you something, he's your only friend. So listen to it."

Clem: Groups aren't really my thing. You say, standing up and looking at Ava.

Ava: "No woman is an island..."

You roll your eyes.

Ava: Have it your way. But you did me a solid here. I won't forget it next time we cross paths.

Clem: There is no next time.

Ava: We'll see.

She turns around and walks towards the end of the bus.

Ava: The world does work in mysterious ways.

You sit down next to AJ. The girl sits at the other end of the bus.

You hear groans from outside the bus.

You look at AJ, who coughs.

A/N: I'm goin to bed...

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