Chapter 119: Return

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It had been about a week since the communities agreed to help. You're on your way back to the Foundation. There's, like, twenty carriages behind the one you're in. You're sitting next to Rick.

Rick: How much farther is this place?

You take out your map.

You: We're almost there.

You put the map away.

Rick: How secure is this place?

You: Well, it's got guards and walls. But the regular people don't know how to fight--they just work.

Rick: How many guards?

You shrug.

You: Not sure. But they have guns and they're trained in armed combat.

Rick: Good. We could use that to our advantage.

The carriage driver announces to rest of the carriage.

Driver: We're here.

The carriage comes to a stop to let the gates open. The gates open and the carriage drives in. The carriage parks in an open area.

You all hop out. Rick looks around at all of the walls, people, crops, and houses.

Rick: This is a real nice place.

Jack: Thank you.

You turn to see Jack walking up to you and Rick. You walk up to Jack.

You: Hey, brother.

You give him a hug and he hugs back. You pull out of the hug and Jack looks at Rick.

Jack: You must be Rick Grimes.

Rick: That's right.

They shake hands.

Jack: Great. Once we get the New Frontier here, we can talk about our situation.

Rick nods.

They both walk away.

AJ: Y/N!

You turn around to see AJ running up to you.

You: Hey, goofball!

You pick him up and you give him a hug. You set him down.

You: You doin' alright?

AJ: Yep. Is Clem back too?

You: Not yet, bud. She should be back here soon.

AJ: Okay.

Guard: Open the gates!

The gates open and a few more carriages pull in.

You: Speak'a the devil.

A few armored trucks pull in. You walk up to the one that's parking and Clem hops out.

Clementine sees you and runs up to you and AJ. Clem gives you a hug, and AJ hugs both of your legs.

Clem: It's so good to see you guys.

You: You too.

You and Clem kiss.

Javier walks up to you all.

Javier: One Eyed Survivor.

You look at Javier and you pull out of the hug. You walk up to him and you shake his hand.

You: How's it goin', Javi?

Javier: Nothin' to complain about.

You look over and see Gabe hop out of a truck.

You: Wait, Gabe's here?

Clem: Ugh, I had the same reaction as you.

Javier: I talked to him--he shouldn't be giving you much trouble.

Jack: Is this Javier?

You turn to see Jack and Rick.

You: Yeah, this is him.

They shake hands.

Jack: Jack L/N.

Javier shakes Rick's hand.

Rick: Rick Grimes.

Jack: Shall we get started?

You all nod.

You all walk over to the town hall.

Small timeskip
You're in the council area around the table with Maggie, Ezekiel and Shiva, Clem, El, Anna, Kate, and the council members. Jack, Rick, and Javier walk in.

Jack: Alright, let's get started.

They gather around the table. Jack lays down the arrow.

Jack: This arrow is a sign; a sign that tells us that the Skinners are back and they want revenge.

Jack lays out a map on the table.

Jack: We need the armored trucks against the walls for defensive purposes. He says, drawing circles on the map to indicate where the trucks should go. Those spikes and barbed wire on them should be enough to ensure that they can't climb up.

Rick: We can have armed forces on top of the trucks as our first line of fire. He says, adding dots to into the circles to indicate where the soldiers would go. They should all be equipped with a rifle and secondary weapons.

Javier: The workers should remain inside the town hall. We set up different traps in case they make it inside. I also suggest that we add traps OUTSIDE of the walls too--that way we can cut down their forces as much as possible.

You: We need defenses inside the walls too. You say, adding boxes inside the mapped walls. If they manage to get through the walls, we can retreat back to cover and return fire. We can pick them off as they come in through the gates.

Clem: We should also find a way to lure the nearby walkers away. Trust me, bandits and walkers don't go well together.

Anna: We have flare guns that we could use.

El: Flare guns won't cut it. I think they'd be more interested in loud gunshots than bright red smoke.

You: Maybe we don't have to lure them away at all?

Everyone looks at you confused.

You: Walkers don't attack if they think you're one of them.

Council member 1: How are we supposed to disguise ourselves?

You: They won't attack if you cover all of your fleshy parts. That means covering your body and face.

Maggie: Masks?

You: Exactly. If that doesn't work, we could use walker guts. If they can't smell you, then they won't have interest.

Rick: He's right about the guts part. But I've never seen that mask part.

You: It's simple--if you groan, moan, and limp slowly, they can't tell you from one of them.

Everyone looks at each other.

El: If the Skinners don't have the same idea as us, the walkers will do a lotta damage.

Javier: I like this plan. Anyone got a problem with it?

Everyone shakes their heads.

Jack: Good. Let's get to work.

Everyone starts walking out of the room.

Ezekiel: This land will be one of pride and victory!

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