Chapter 58: Rescue Mission

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You, Clem, and Jane crouch walk over to some broken playground equipment.

Luke muffled: Okay, just...calm down!

Jane: They don't sound too good. Clock's ticking.

You: We're ready.

Jane: I know you are. We need to get a better look.

Luke muffled: We are gonna die in here!

Jane peeks over the broken playground equipment.

Jane: How about you two get the close one, and I'll hop the fence to get the other? Go for it!

You and Clem walk around the playground equipment. Clem takes out her new awl, you take out your knife.

You both approach the walker. You and Clem look at each other and nod. You run up to the walker and you slide underneath it, making it fall. Clem uses that to her advantage and stabs the walker in the back of the head.

Jane: Woah.

You and Clem crouch down. Jane crouches down and gets next to you.

Jane: Never seen that before.

You shrug and smile.

You: It's just something we taught ourselves last year.

Jane: Now watch this...

She walks over to the fence. She looks back at you and Clem with a smile.

Jane: Got a nice little addition to your arsenal.

Jane hops over the fence and runs up to the other walker.

She kicks its knee in, causing it to collapse. Jane stabs it in the head.

You and Clem run over to Jane.

Jane: Take out the knees first. Then...put a knife in the back of its head when it's down. She says, tapping the back of her head. It doesn't have to be flashy.

You will remember that.

Jane begins to walk away.

Jane: Alright.

You both follow her.

Jane: Let's get a look at what we've got on deck...

Jane takes cover on a wall and peaks. You crouch down and you look around the corner to see a walker, laying down.

You walk around the corner and stab the walker in the head. It turns out, the walker was alive. Or...asleep. Or...I don't know.

Jane: Glad you're paying attention.

You walk back around the corner.

You see a two walkers in front of you. They look like they're trying to get past some sort of barricade.

You all run up to the walkers. Jane goes after one of them, leaving you and Clem with the other.

Clem kicks in its knee, causing it to fall to the ground, and you stab it in the back of the head.

Jane walks up to you and Clem.

Jane: You guys did the knee thing...

You and Clem turn around.

Jane: Nice trick, huh? You guys make a good team.

You both smile.

You all walk over to the barricade. You see about a dozen walkers, all trying to get into a trailer.

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