Chapter 120: Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!

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Everyone is working on reinforcing the walls. Someone got the idea of putting walkers inside the trucks like with what happened at Prescott. AJ's a water boy, so he's making sure that everyone gets an equal amount of water. You tried convincing him that he doesn't have to do anything, but he insisted.

You and El are attracting about a dozen walkers in the woods at the moment.

You: Yo, shitheads! Over here!

They take notice and walk over to you and El.

El: That's right! Come and get us!

They almost make it to you.

You: Now!

The trap activates and the walkers get caught in a net. A few teenagers walk around the trees.

Zachary: Did we get 'em?

El: We got 'em!

Alice: Yes!

Zachary and Alice are twins.

You: Alright, let's get them back.

You cut the net down. You all grab onto the net and start dragging it.

Zachary: Geez, we got some ugly ones, huh?

El looks back at Zach.

El: Zach, if you ever see a handsome walker, I'll let you kick me in the nuts.

Zachary: Oh, you're fucking on!

Alice: You guys are idiots. At least Y/N doesn't act THAT stupid.

You: The hell's that supposed to mean?

El and Zach laugh.

Alice: Oh, nothing.

You roll your eyes.

You and El have your own conversation.

El: Hey, Y/N?

You: Yeah?

El: Ya know that Gabe kid?

You sigh.

You: Sadly.

El: Yeah, Richmond he, like, grabbed Clem's hand and started yelling at her.

You: What?

El: Yeah--Gabe thought you and Clem broke up, Clem explained that you weren't, she said that she'd never date Gabe, and he grabbed her hand--some weird stuff. I put a stop to it and punched him.

You: Heh. Thanks.

El: Yeah, no problem. What's his deal anyway? Why do you guys have so much beef? Was he just an ass or something?

You: Yeah, something like that. He always wanted for Clementine and I to break up so that they could get together.

El: I don't think that kid's looking in the mirror enough.

You chuckle.

You: Got that right. But Clem always says that she'd pick me over Gabe any day of the week.

A/N: You guys already know what I'd say, so imma leave it for you guys.

El: Wouldn't everyone do that?

You laugh.

El: Ya know, Y/N, for a dude with one eye, you're pretty slick.

You: Thanks, man. By the way, have you asked Anna out?

El gets embarrassed and his face can prove it.

El: W--what?! Did Clem tell you?!

You: What? No. It's just really obvious that you both like each other.

The Walking Dead Clementine X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now