Chapter 41: The Misunderstanding

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5 Days Later
You're all walking very slowly down the path.

Alvin spots a bridge and everyone stops moving. Clem climbs up a boulder and reaches out her hand so that you can give her the binoculars. You hand her the binoculars and she scopes the area.

You climb up the boulder and take out a small telescope and look down it with your left eye.

Luke: See anything?

You decide to tell a joke and lighten the mood.

You: Barely.

Luke: Why's that?

You: Half of my damn vision's gone.

Clem giggles at your stupid joke. It feels nice when you're able to make her laugh; you've always enjoyed her laugh and smile.

Alvin: They better see somethin'. We've been walkin' for a damn week.

Carlos: We've got to find some shelter.

Alvin: Here, eat this, Bec.

Rebecca: But we're almost out of food. We gotta save it.

Alvin: We need to keep your strength up, baby.

Clem looks at the bridge.

Clem: There's the bridge.

Luke: And does it look passable?

You: Looks like it.

Luke: Good.

You look at the station house.

You: There's a little house by the bridge.

Carlos: How big is it?

You look back at him.

You: You heard me say "little," right?

Clem: It's pretty small.

Clem spots the chair lift.

Clem: There's a lift or something.

Luke: Chair lift? Must be that ski resort.

Clem stops looking down her binoculars and looks down.

Clem: I've never been skiing.

Alvin: Bec and I went once.

Rebecca: It wasn't pretty.

You spot a big lodge at the top.

You: There's a building on the mountain.

Luke: What it's look like?

Clem: It's big.

You: I think it's some sorta lodge.

Luke: That sounds like a good place to spend the night.

You put your telescope away, Clem puts her binoculars away, and you both climb down the boulder.

Carlos: We have to cross that bridge. Let's go.

You and Clem stand next to Luke.

You: Not very smart.

Carlos: And why's that?

You: Looks can be deceiving. It might be rigged or have twenty people with guns ready to shoot. If we all go across that together, we'll be trapped.

Carlos: Luke, do you actually agree with him?

Luke crosses his arms.

Luke: Yeah. The kid's right. If we get spotted, we'll be trapped.

Clem: Trust me; when it comes to this sort of thing, Y/N is the master.

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