Chapter 167: Honor

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A/N: Warning: You're gonna cry

Clementine, AJ, Louis, and Tenn are all walking away from the bridge. Louis is in awe, AJ is in disbelief, Tenn is filled with guilt, and Clem is filled with grief. Clem looks at AJ, who's wearing your hat.

A few hours earlier
You're trying to push one of the walkers off of you while James looks for his mask. The walker groans as it tries to reach for you. You try to activate your hidden blade, but you can't find the right time to stop pushing on the walker. James notices what you're trying to do.

James: You don't have to kill them!

You push harder.


All of a sudden, you go wide eyed when you feel something sharp go right into the side of your stomach

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All of a sudden, you go wide eyed when you feel something sharp go right into the side of your stomach. You look down to see the walker you kicked chomping its teeth into the side of your midsection.

The walker pulls its head back, squirting a bit of blood out of your side.

You manage to activate your hidden blade.

You stab the walker that was on top of you. The walker that bit you gets on top of you.

You stab that one.

You push the walker off of you. You sit up. You're panting.

You're absolutely dumbstruck by what just happened. You can't process it. Did that just happen?

James: Are you okay?

You stand up. You look at the dead walkers on the floor and back up at James.

You: ...Yeah.

You walk up to him.

A/N: Start listening to the song at the top.

You're walking back to the school. You see the gate in front of you.

You can't let them see you like this. You run around the wall and you make it to a broken part of the wall. You peek over and you make sure that no one's there. There isn't. You climb over the wall.

You see a building that says nursery and you walk over to it.

You're in the nursery in front of a mirror. You look in the mirror and you take off your plaid shirt. You drop it onto the ground.

You take off your hat.

You take off your shirt to reveal the bloody bite mark. You look at your gray shirt to see that the bite went through your shirt all the way. That must mean that bite's real.

You stare at the bite mark in the mirror for a second. You look at your reflection. You now come to the conclusion that you're gonna die. It's scary. You don't know what to feel. You don't know how Clementine will react.

You cover the bite with a bandage. You search around your backpack and you pull out your old jacket and sweatshirt from when people called you "the One Eyed Survivor".

You zip up the sweatshirt, covering your bandage.

You have your glasses on.

You put your father's hat on.

You look in the mirror. You can't make a scene out of this. You need to make your final hours count.

You nod to yourself and you walk away.

You're leaned against a tree, writing letters. You get done with writing Clem's letter and you add it to the pile of letters.

You plant the letters in AJ's desk while you and Clem are talking. You find an old polaroid camera in the desk.

You're on the steps of the admin building and you take a selfie with Clem and AJ. You take the polaroid out of the camera and you shake it. You see the picture clearly. You all smile at the happy photo.

You and AJ are sword fighting with sticks. Clem smiles and watches you and AJ play. AJ hits you in the chest and you fall to one knee. You pretend to die. AJ turns to Clem and jumps up and down in excitement. Clem cheers for AJ.

You're on the staircase with Clem and AJ. There's a bucket of blue paint next to you. You all have your hands covered in blue paint and you stick them on the floor of the stairs. You all pull your hands back to reveal the three blue hand prints on the floor. You look at AJ and you both high five with your paint-covered-hands.

You and Clem climb up to where Violet hangs out. You help Clem up. You both walk over to a spot where there's a bit of missing railing. You look at the sun that's about to go down.

You're both sitting down. Clem's leaned onto you. You stare at the beautiful sunset. It's just barely halfway over the horizon.

You take off your hat and you look up at the sky. You close your eyes and you smile. The warm sun settles on your skin. The warmth calms you. You look at Clem and she spots you looking at her, so she smiles at you. You smile back.

You both look back out at the sunset.

A/N: I'm not crying, you're crying.

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