Chapter 22: Stalkers

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You hear Lee yell and Ben and Christa go to investigate.

Clem: What was that about?

You: I don't know.

Clem: He was yelling at something.

You: Or someone.

You see Kenny walk downstairs with his head bowed and towards the back door. You and Clem follow him outside.

Ben: Lee saw someone watching us from outside the gate.

Kenny: What? Who?

Lee: I can't be sure, they ran off before I could get a good look.

Lee crosses his arms.

Ben: I don't like this one bit. Not one bit.

Christa: Me either. Walkers are one thing, but the thought of someone out there actually stalking us...

Kenny: Alright, that's it. We've stuck around here long enough. It's time to get back on track, time to get down to the river and find ourselves a boat.

You: We can't just go!

Clem: Y/N's right, my parents are still out there!

Kenny: For Christ's sake...

Christa: I don't know if Omid's well enough to move yet.

Kenny: Well, he'd better get ready. Because I'm going down to River Street right now to find a boat, and as soon as she's ready to go we're moving out.

Lee walks over to you and Clementine.

Lee: Don't worry, when we find a boat we'll go after your parents. How does that sound?

Clementine smiles.

You: I'm alright with that.

Lee: Great.

Kenny: Well, then, hell, what are we waiting for?

Ben: I'll go get my stuff.

Kenny: No. Ben, you'll only slow us down. Lee and I can go scout the river while the rest of you get ready to move out. You stay behind with Christa and Omid.

Clementine: Wait, can't we come? My mom and dad can't be far away now, maybe we can look for them on the way to the river.

You: It's just in case we find her parents AND the boat at the same time.

Lee: Don't worry, if we find them we'll bring them back. If we don't come back with them then our compromise is still on the table.

You and Clem: Okay.

You and Clem walk inside the house.

Clem: "Compromise?"

You: It's like a thing that's some of what you want but with a tiny bit of change in it.

Clem: Ohhhh, okay.

You get inside the house. You look at Clementine just standing near the door. You walk over to her.

You: Hey, what're you doing?

Clem: We should follow them.

You: What?

Clem: If they find my parents, then I want to be there to see them.

You: Clem... I don't think that's a good idea.

Clem: I'm going either way. You always said that you'd protect me, so if you plan on keeping your promise; then you'll come with me.

This is clearly an argument that you can't win. You sigh in defeat.

You: Alright... let's go.

Clem smiles and hugs you.

Clem: Thanks Y/N.

You hug back.

You: No need. Now come on, let's go.

She pulls out of the hug and you both walk out of the house.

A/N: Hello everyone. I know that I haven't posted on this book in a while, but that's because I've been working on a different Clementine X male reader story. If you haven't seen it already, you should check it out, it has more chapters than this one. Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope to see your comments in the next chapter. Have a good day!

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