Chapter 150: Date

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A/N: Not the longest chapter.

You and Clem into the admin building, hand-in-hand. You can hear the piano from down the piano room. You both start walking down the halls.

Clem: I thought he needed help with something.

Clem looks at you, you can't help but smile.

Clem: You okay?

You nod.

You: Just happy that we get to spend some time together.

She smiles and raises her eyebrow.

Clem: You're acting weird.

You both make it to the piano room to see couches set up, a bag of pretzels on a coffee table, candles lighting up the room, and Louis playing the piano.

Clem: What did you do?

You let out a slight chuckle.

You: Louis' idea.

You and Clem walk over to the couches. Clem sits on one and you sit on the other one in front of her.

Clem sighs.

You: So Louis said he'd set up a date for us and...we've been dating for over four years, and we've never had a date.

Clem: That's because we were usually in a car and never got the opportunity.

You: Yeah, I know. But since we might die soon, I thought we could finally have our first date, so I accepted Louis' proposal.

Louis: I aim to please.

You smile and shake your head.

Clem: And the bag of pretzels?

You shrug.

You: Also Louis' idea. I tried asking if we could just get Omar's stew, but we didn't have any time.

Clem looks at the bag with a grossed out face.

You: Probably as hard as rock.

She shrugs.

You both grab a pretzel out of the bag. They're green. You hold it in the air and Clem does so as well.

You clear your throat.

You: To surviving what comes.

You both tap each other's pretzels.

Clem: To surviving what comes.

You both eat the green pretzels.

You: Well...that tasted about as good as it looks.

Clem nods. She looks at Louis.

Clem: I agree with Y/N. Why can't we have just gone with Omar's stew?

Louis: Too late for that.

She playfully rolls her eyes.

Louis: Oh! Right!

You and Clem look at Louis. Louis looks back at you.

Louis: I wrapped up her gift!

Clem raises her eyebrow.

Clem: Gift? What gift?

You stand up. You walk around the piano to see Marlon's bow wrapped up in paper and duct tape. You pick up the bow and you walk back over to Clem. You move the bag of pretzels out of the way and you put the bow on the coffee table.

Clem: What is this?

You: Open it.

She tears the paper and duct tape off.

Clem: Marlon's bow?

She looks up at you with confusion.

Clem: How'd you get it?

You: Well, Louis wanted to give it to me, but I decided that I'd just give it to you. As a gift.

Clem: He's okay with that?

Louis: It's all good, Clem.

Clem looks at you and smiles, which only makes you smile back. She holds your cheeks with her hands and kisses you, so you kiss back.

Louis looks back and sees you and Clem kissing.

Louis: I'll just, uh...

He stands up and walks over to the door.

Louis: leave you guys to it.

He opens the doors and walks out. Before shutting them, he looks inside the room.

Louis whisper: Just keep it PG.

He closes the door.

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