1. Nico

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Hi guys so I realized they I have like 30+ books -okay maybe I'm exaggerating in that but whatever-in the works but this book just popped into my head last night and I just had to write it or else I would forget about it completely.

This is a mafia book if you haven't noticed in the description. It will also be a Male on Male story which will include a lot of violence, abuse and all that stuff which will be triggering for most of you so read at your own risk. It will confían mature content so you must be 18+ to read as it will include male on male sex scenes.

So without further delay, please let me know what you all think of the book and if I shod I continue writing it or not. Also know that at each chapter will not have an authors note anymore as my other books have which means that this will be the only author's note you'll have. So please leave your votes/thoughts at the end of each chapter as it will help me to see if you guys are  enjoying it or not.



I jumped at the sound of the front door slamming shut downstairs knowing that he was home and that there was a big chance that he was wasted out of his mind. It wouldn't be the first time that he'd come home from work drunk.

I could feel sweat begin to form on my temples as I felt my heart begin to pound in my chest the louder his footfalls got.

I frowned as I could hear another set of footfalls climbing the stairs just behind him. I bit my bottom lip to keep from making any noise as the footfalls stopped just outside my door. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I heard the doorknob rattle as he tried to open it. Even if he did, he won't be able to enter as I had pushed my dresser in front to the door. It had taken me a long time to do it seeing as I wasn't very strong and it was heavy.

"I know you're in there Nicolas open the damn door!" He yelled as he began to pound on the door making me jump. I looked at the duffel bag that I had packed a few hours ago and licked my bottom lip as fear slowly began to creep into my veins. I could see the door begin to open and I knew I had to get out of there before he pushed the door open and the dresser was moved out of the way. So with that thought in mind, I grabbed my duffle bag and took a deep breath, looked over my shoulder one last time before turning to my open window, hissing as the cold air hit me in the face but I didn't stop and climbed out.

I looked down at the ground and knew that I would most likely injure myself if I jumped but I also knew that I needed to get out or else he will make me have sex with whoever he brought with him tonight.That's something he's been forcing me to do since I was first brought to live with him 13 years ago.

I shook my head and took a deep breath before jumping just as the door busted open and the dresser fell down. I landed on the snow covered ground and hissed at the cold that engulfed me. But I didn't hesitate to stand up and look up at the open window as his head poked out and poked down

"Don't you fucking dare!" He slurred as I saw him turn away from the window most likely to tell his buddy that it was making a run for it. I could best them arguing but I didn't wait to see them come out of the house and instead I made my way towards the trees as snow began to fall from the night sky making me send a silent thank you as it would cover my tracks which will be difficult for him and his friend to find me.

I looked back to the place I've called home for the past 13 years before taking a deep breath and running into the woods and towards my new life.


It's been now five months since I left the UK and I couldn't have been happier. I was now living a healthier and happier life even if I was still wary of the people around me. Well besides my friends. When I had first arrived in New York it was a bit overwhelming and I didn't know where anything was. If it wasn't for Jonah, a handsome young male that was about a foot taller than me at 6'0 with broad shoulders, thick black hair and soft caramel skin, I would still be wondering the streets of Brooklyn without knowing the dangers that lurked around every corner. He had offered me a place to sleep in until I got myself on my feet which was hard since I barley knew the customs of the city since I was from across the pond.

It was challenging at first but as time went by I got the hang of how things worked here compared to how they worked back in London. I even enrolled in dance school which was something I've been dreaming of doing since I was a child but after losing my parents in a car accident and being forced to move in with the only living relative my father had, it was impossible. I didn't even go to school which was difficult but with Jonah's help I was able to graduate after learning everything that I didn't know growing up.

Like I said. It was a challenge but here I am five months later finally living the life I deserved and away from that man.

I blinked when I saw a hand waving in front of my face and looked up to see Jonah standing in front of me with a raised brow making me frown

"What?" I asked in my English accent making him chuckle and shake his head

"I've been calling your name for the past ten minutes, are you you alright?" He asked, his Brooklyn accent strong as always and I nodded

"Did you need something?" I asked

"Yes, actually, I was calling your name to see what you wanted to eat for dinner tonight" he replied and I blinked still coming to terms with the fact that even after five months living in Brooklyn and with him, that I actually had a place to live that I felt safe even if it had taken me a while to get used to the idea of being with a stranger and in a new place.

"Um, Chinese" I replied and he nodded

"Alright, what time are  you coming home tonight?" He asked realizing he was in his work uniform

"6 if the teacher doesn't keep us back another hour like last time," I replied making him nod his head, "what about you?"

"Should be back by 8 the latest unless we've get trouble makers," he stated and I nodded once again before watching him walk out, "Don't forget to lock the doors when you leave"

"I won't. See you tonight," I said as I watched him get on his motorbike and put his helmet on before he was speeding out do the parking lot. I sighed and turned grabbing my dance shoes, car keys, and duffel bag with my dance clothes before also leaving the house locking the doors on my way out.

I took a deep breath before making my way down the steps and unlocking the car doors before climbing in and tossing the bag onto the passenger's seat and turning in the engine before researching out of the driveway and making my way down the road towards the dance academy.

Something in the back of my mind tells me that my life was about to get turned upside down and I was so not looking forward to that moment. I liked my life how it was now and I don't want it to change not even a little bit.

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now