Chapter 2

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Patton and Logan met the others in the living room"ok,let's figure out what we're gonna do."Virgil said.

"The Deep is like a maze at points and complete wild life at others,it is easy to get turned around."Janus supplied"how do you know so much about The Deep?"Logan asked.

Janus glanced to Virgil and Remus"I've been there before,anyways,since the terrain is so different I believe that our usual attire won't do us much good."

Patton smiled"we get new outfits?"Janus nodded then snapped his fingers,Patton was then in a new outfit.

He wore circle glasses and wore a grey jacket along with his usual pants,it was a tiny switch up but it was good enough.

Patton squealed"I look amazing!thank you Janus!"Janus blushed"your welcome,Patton.anyways,Logan is next."

Janus snapped his fingers and Logan wore glasses with a small mechanism that gave him glasses fillings for different uses,he wore a regular black shirt with a dark blue sweater vest"why do I look like every nerd in a adventure movie?"

Remus snickered"it seems fitting."then Janus changed himself,he wore a black sun hat with a yellow shirt and black cardigan with hiking boots along with black gloves.

Remus laughed"you look like a park ranger!"Deceit rolled his eyes"my outfit is appropriate for out door activity."

Janus snapped his fingers and Remus wore a green crop top with spike bracelets and hiking boots"oh I like this one!"Remus cackled.

"Wait,he's coming with us?"Virgil asked"well,I'm going to save my brother!"Virgil glared at him"you're the reason we have to save him!"

Patton got between them"kiddos,don't fight.we might need Remus."Virgil sighed"fine."Janus snapped his fingers again and Virgil changed.

Virgil wore a black cropped hoodie with his purple shirt underneath,he wore black ripped jeans and combat boots along with a saddle bag.

Virgil looked at himself"this is..edgey I guess."he grumbled"aww,you like it!"Remus said"shut up."he growled.

Patton looked to Janus"so how do we get to The Deep?"Janus smiled"it's simple,we go to the basement in the Mind Palace."

"The Mind Palace has a basement?"Logan asked,Janus nodded"there's a door there,it leads to The Deep."

Virgil sighed"let's just go already!"everyone then sinked out.

The sides rose up in the Mind Palace and Janus lead them to a staircase that went downwards"there it is."Logan looked at it"how come we've never seen it?"

Remus shrugged"you guys are always with Thomas and when's the last time Thomas has been here?"Logan sighed"you have a point."

Janus then lead them down the stairs,it slowly became darker.

A step creaked making Patton yelp and hide behind Janus,Janus smiled softly and looked to Patton"there's nothing to be scared of,Patton."

Logan raised a eyebrow at them and looked away,Patton nodded"I believe you,Janus."Virgil glared at Janus though the snake like side didn't care.

Patton looked around"what's going to happen while we're gone?"Janus looked at the stairs so he wouldn't fall"Thomas will likely stay asleep,so the worst that could happen is a coma if we get stuck there too."

"Wouldn't Thomas die without all of us?"Virgil asked"he might die in his sleep!"Remus said"I don't want Thomas to die!"Patton said.

"I'm sure that won't happen,Patton."Janus mumbled with a bit of a lie,he wasn't sure if all of them would make it.

The sides then walked into the basement,Janus jumped and turned on a light.

Virgil and a few others covered their eyes from the sudden light,when they recovered the sides found a light brown and warn down door.

"This is it everyone,this enters The Deep."Janus hesitantly grabbed the nob and turned it,when it opened it was a dense forest.

"Stay close."Janus said as he started to walk,Patton and the others followed.

Virgil looked around and grimaced why does Roman have to be so stupid?Remus looked to the sky which was quickly becoming covered by tree leaves I'm so,so sorry Roman.

"How are we going to know where to go?"Patton asked"we should look for signs of Roman,torn cloth or blood maybe."Logan said.

Virgil nodded"that sounds about right,but where do we go if we can't find clues?"Janus looked over his shoulder at the sides"we'll need to contact some friends if that happens."


It had been a while and Janus sighed"we should stop and make camp,it's getting dark."Patton nodded"and we don't know what's out there."

As the others sat down Virgil opened his saddle bag and pulled out Roman's sash what if he's trapped?we can't let him get anymore hurt!

Virgil then started walking away"Virgil,where are you going?"Janus asked gripping his arm,Virgil glared at Janus"I'm going to find Roman,we loose time if we rest!"

Patton spoke up"but if we don't rest we could get lost too,Kiddo."Virgil looked to Patton"you might,but I won't!"Logan tilted his head"and why's that?"

Virgil opened his mouth and then sighed"nevermind,I'll stay if that's needed."

Janus let go of Virgil and whispered"don't go off thinking that you're something special,Virge."Virgil growled at him then sat down,Remus brought some wood and placed them down"hey can someone get me some sticks?"

Logan got up and brought him sticks"don't burn down the forest,Remus."Remus smirked"trust me Dork,I've tried."

Logan sighed and sat on the ground next to Patton and Virgil,Remus started a fire and he cackled"there we go!"

Virgil shushed him and Remus stuck his tongue out at him,Patton sighed"behave,Kiddos."

Logan and Patton soon fell asleep leaving the dark sides"I'll be watch,get some sleep."Virgil grumbled,Remus awed"you do care,Virgin!"Virgil rolled his eyes"be quiet."

Remus then fell asleep,Janus sat next to Patton in Virgil's place and smiled down at him.

Virgil glared at the two from his tree,Janus sighed contently and fell asleep.

(If you're asking why I had design changes,it's because I can and it's cool.)

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