Chapter 31

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The group continued to walk,Patton looked to Zavia and Virgil.

Virgil raised a eyebrow"what?"Patton tilted his head"you guys just look similar."Virgil looked to Zavia and Zavia looked back at him"I guess I see that."

"What if you guys are related?"Remus said,Virgil rolled his eyes"no way,I don't even know if this is my tribe."Janus shrugged"you never know."

Virgil sighed I guess I am a strange case,why did that tree have my name?Zavia stared at Virgil we really do look similar,strange.

Zavia fell back to the adominiums and went searching where are they?Jupiter walked up to her"are you ok,Z?"Zavia looked around"have you seen Lydia and Dillan?"Jupiter nodded"I think I saw them in the back,why would you want to see them?"

Zavia shrugged"I have a hunch."Zavia then walked to the back to find two adominiums.

The woman had midnight hair with grey streaks with pale skin and deep purple eyes,a bit on the short side with a shirt and jeans.

The man had brown hair with brown eyes and was tall with a jacket and pants,his pale skin having a few old scars on them.

"Mom,Dad!"the woman smiled"Zavia,how are you?"she hugged Zavia"I'm good,Mom.can I just ask something?"the woman who was Lydia nodded.

"Did...did I have siblings?"Lydia looked to Dillan then back to Zavia"what makes you think that?"Zavia looked over her shoulder"I found a guy that looks a bit like me,his name is Virgil.ring a bell?"

Lydia sighed"it does sound familiar I'll say that,but that's not up for discussion."Zavia shook her head"how do you know Virgil and why do I look like him?"

"We never said we knew him."Dillan said"his name is just familiar."Zavia put her hands on her hips"Dad,I've kept track of the names in our tribe for years.there's only one Virgil!"

Lydia glanced away"we'll talk about this later Zavia,now isn't the time."Zavia groaned"now is the time!"suddenly,they heard something rustling in the far bushes.

"What was that?"Lydia whispered"Megca."Zavia gasped"MEGCA!"the Megca jumped out the bushes and ran at them,everyone looked to the calico cat and ran away.

Zavia ran up to the sides"how are we getting away?we don't have Ferdabunnies!"Patton yelled,Virgil looked over his shoulder at the Adominiums"GO SPIDER EVERYONE!"he ordered.

The adominiums went spider along with Virgil"pick up the others!"he ordered,Jupiter picked up Kade who was too small to completely go spider.

Virgil picked up Roman,Zavia picked up Patton,Lydia picked up Logan,Dillan picked up Remus.

The only one left was Janus,a adominium picked him up hastily.

The adominiums ran as fast as they could"VIRGIL WHERE ARE WE GOING!?"Zavia asked,Virgil looked around"INTO THE FOREST,C'MON!"

The adominiums then crashed into the forest,the Megca skidded to a stop and snarled before walking away.

Virgil sighed as he looked to Roman in his arms"are you ok,Princey?"Roman nodded"I few more bruises but I'm good."

Janus looked up at the adominium and thanked her before running to Patton"Patt,are you ok?"Patton smiled"I'm fine,DeDe."

Janus turned to Zavia"thank you."Zavia smiled"no problem."Remus looked up at Dillan"thanks for saving me."

Dillan smiled"anytime,hero."Remus smiled I'm a hero!Remus then ran off to Logan"are you ok,Logan?"Logan adjusted his glasses and nodded.

"I'm fine,Remus."he then hugged him"um,thanks?"Logan pulled away"I-I'm just glad you made it."

Zavia walked over to Virgil"you still don't think you're a good leader?you saved all of us!"Virgil blushed"I was panicked,being the leader is Janus's job."

Roman sighed"you're like,his co-captain!"Virgil smirked"whatever you say,Princey."

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