Chapter 21

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Patton looked around and heard footsteps,he turned and saw Zavia in her spider form.

"Zavia,why are you with them?"Patton asked letting his gun down to show he wasn't a threat,Zavia glanced away"it's not something I can fight, wouldn't understand."

"Yes I will,please just talk to me!"Patton said walking closer,Zavia looked over her shoulder and sighed"I'm doing it to protect the adomeniums,my people."

Patton tilted his head"the sins took me and my tribe,I promised that I'd give them info on you guys if they were safe.i started to rethink things when Virgil fell in that lake,I realized that all of you are fighting for Roman to go back."

Patton looked up at Zavia"you don't have to do this,we can save them!"Zavia looked away"it's not that easy."she mumbled"why?"

Zavia looked back to Patton"t-those humans that the sins become aren't their real forms,they are sides that became lost here.that's why sides disappear and don't come back after some time."

Patton's eyes widened"so the reason they don't want us to have Roman is because they want to inspirit him?"Zavia nodded"they decided to use Pride for Roman,once he's done with me at least."

Patton stepped back"it's ok!he's not very active anyways,but once he leaves me..."Patton looked up at Zavia"it's ok,we'll help all of you I promise!"

Zavia backed away and groaned"Patton,go away!"she groaned touching her head,Patton ran over to her"it's ok, can fight him!"

Zavia looked back to Patton"big mistake..."she whispered in a man's voice oh shiitake.Patton then turned to run before a circle of fire came around him"it's actually adorable how easily you trust strangers!"Pride cooed.

Patton looked up to Zavia"Zavia has earned our trust before you went and messed it up!"Zavia cackled"I did make things messy didn't I?"she then circled Patton.

"You'd be surprised how easy it was to get the others as well."Zavia said with a smirk before flicking her wrist to show a image of Virgil tied up in a dungeon with a sleeping Remus at his side.

Then she showed a image of Janus and Logan running somewhere with a bottle where's Nut?Patton glared up at Zavia"you are a sick person!"

Zavia chuckled"fun fact,neither me or my body are human."Patton groaned"Patton!?"he smiled at Janus's voice before Zavia looked somewhere.

Yellow smoke hid her as she disappeared"Patton are you ok!?"Janus asked parting the fire,he looked tired.

Patton ran over and hugged him"of course I'm ok,are you!?"Janus nodded with a smile"just tired,you forgot you had a gun didn't you?"

Patton laughed"shut up,slimey boi."he then kissed Janus's cheek making him go bright red,he then saw Logan"loggie!where's Nut?"he asked rubbing over.

He saw the tears stains on his face and the saddened look on Logan's face as he said"I-in the bottle."he said shakily.

Patton gasped"oh Logan,I'm so sorry!"he then hugged the logical side,Logan smiled sadly and hugged back.

"We need to find Remus,where is he?"Janus asked breaking the moment"he and Virgil are in a dungeon,he have to get to the bottom of the tower."


The sides went down the stairs to see Lust and Envy"so now you came,beautiful ashes by the way."Lust said looking to Logan,Logan growled at her.

Janus glared at them"give us our team back."Patton nodded"and tell us where you put Roman!"

Lust rolled her eyes"I'd rather not,how about you Envy?"Envy then pinned Janus to the wall,Lust put her hands on Logan and Patton's necks.

Janus glared at him and kicked Envy in the stomach,he stepped back as Janus did the disappearing trick on him and tackled Lust to the ground.

"Tell us,now."Janus ordered as his yellow eye glowed brightly Lust stared at him with her eyes turning a sickly yellow"far away in the home of the wolves.."she said before being token away.

Janus sighed"alright,we now bust our friends out."Janus put his hands on the door and it opened,after that he walked in.

Virgil attempted to say something but was gagged,Patton ran over and untied him"are you Kiddos ok!?"

Virgil nodded"we're fine dad,I just can't believe I almost fell for it."Janus chuckled"Lust?the only way she makes you fall for her trick is impersonating the person you-"

"Don't even say it."Virgil growled as Janus shook Remus awake,Remus yawned"hey Dede!"

Jans put back on his gloves"how come you could make them disappear?"Patton asked,Janus looked to his hands"I get a boost of power here,that's why I never took these off incase I was unstable."

Logan helped Remus up"Remus,you know Quilisers right?"Remus nodded,Logan pulled out the bottle"Nut turned into this!"

Remus looked at the bottle"don't loose that,I'll tell you later ok?"Logan nodded and hooked it to his belt,the sides then walked out the door.

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