Chapter 30

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The sides were walking in a forest as it started getting dark"we should make camp."Janus decided.

The adominiums slept all together for warmth with Zavia holding onto Kade as Jupiter spooned her,Remus sighed as he watched the group sleep.

Logan sat nearby on the log they shared"R-Remus?"Remus nodded"yeah?"Logan adjusted his glasses"I believe I was rude when we were leaving that maze and I'm sorry,I'm just confused about what I'm feeling."

Remus blushed"so am I,a lot is going on with not only me but you!i won't push you to say or confess anything you don't want to,what kind of friend would I be then?"

Logan rubbed the back of his neck"well..maybe we could be more?i mean,you seem nice and I like that in a guy."Remus smirked"but besides that I'm no where near your type."he pointed to Janus and Patton snuggling as they slept.

"W-well I don't really know my type,I've never really had these feelings for anyone besides you and Patton."Remus chuckled softly"so I finally wore you down,dork?"

Logan blushed"I guess,but if we're going to do this we need ground rules and boundaries."Remus nodded and turned his full attention to Logan.

"No snuggling please,I don't like being touched when I'm asleep."Remus nodded"and none of that making out stuff?consent is valid,those rules are only broken with consent."

Remus nodded"I'm cool with consent."Logan looked to Remus"and your boundaries?"Remus thought for a moment"I don't really have boundaries but I'll deal with consent if you ask for it,though you don't have to."

Logan raised a eyebrow I know he's the duke but he's this open to anything?"also,forgot this,limit the pet names to the nicknames you already gave me?"Remus nodded"I'll deal with that."

Logan then looked around"wait,where are Virgil and Roman?"


Roman lead Virgil away"Princey,where are we going?"Roman smiled at Virgil"to see the sunset!"

Virgil scoffed"you're so cheesy."Roman ignored him and lead Virgil up a hill,at the top they saw the sun rested above a mountain range.

Roman sat down with Virgil and took in the fresh air"it's been so long since I've been here,I kinda miss it."Virgil looked to Roman,most of his bruises were gone by now.

Virgil then rested his head on Roman's shoulder"I love you my dark knight."Roman mumbled resting his head on Virgil's,Virgil smiled softly"I love you too,my prince."


Patton slept soundly in Janus's arms,he felt safe and warm as he opened his eyes.

Janus was fast asleep making Patton smiled and kiss his nose before going back to sleep,he loved his weird snake boi.

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