Chapter 28

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Patton pulled away for air as the smoke dyed away,his eyes going to normal.

Janus looked down at Patton in his arms"what the heck..."he mumbled as Patton squeaked and scrambled away,Janus picked up his hat while blushing.

Janus looked to Patton"so...about what just happened..."Patton then cut him off"I like you ok!?you don't have to like me back!"

Janus smiled"of course I like you too,Patton!have you taken a good look at yourself?"Patton blushed"I-I guess not."Janus pulled Patton's hood over his eyes making him smile"Dede!"

Patton pulled down the hood and smiled up at Janus"Janus,what are we if we like each other?"Janus blushed"I'm hoping romantic partners?"

Patton smiled and kissed Janus's cheek"that sounds good."Janus smiled and Patton turned and skipped down the hall"hey,wait up!"


The smoke dyed away as Remus pulled for air reluctantly,he saw the original emotion in Logan drain.

Logan looked around and back to Remus before backing up"what the fuck were we doing!?"Remus looked to the ground"love smoke,we got a little heated I guess."

Logan blushed"no way!"Remus watched as Logan turned and walked away down the hall i fucking messed up.

Remus ran after Logan"Logan-"Logan looked to Remus"don't mention it Remus,there's too much going on to talk about it right now."Remus sighed"o-ok."


The smoke dyed away as Roman looked lovingly at Virgil,he took his hand and kissed the back"my knight."he mumbled making Virgil smirk"my prince."

Roman then dragged Virgil down the hall,excitement clear on his face.


Zavia found the others in a clearing"there you guys are!did you..."Logan and Remus nodded,avoided when contact.

Patton nodded and smiled up at Janus,who sneakily held Patton's hand.

Roman smiled down at Virgil and Virgil smirked before sticking his tongue out at him,Roman gasped"how dare-"

"Let's keep going."Janus said leading the others through the halls.


The group came out to another clearing to find a giant black Quiliser with purple markings,about two times bigger then Logan.

Logan gaped at the creature,the Quiliser locked its clear blue eyes on Logan and sniffed him.

The Quiliser looked to the others"why are you here?"it asked making everyone surprised"you talk?i thought they had to learn to talk!"Patton blurted out.

"Yeah,I was tell me why you're here if you value your limbs."Virgil spoke up"me and Zavia's people are here somewhere,do you know where?"

The Quiliser sniffed Zavia"you're looking for the tribe?"Zavia nodded"have you seen them?"the Quiliser nodded"you're not that far away actually,I could lead you."

Patton smiled"thank you!"we're going home soon!the Quiliser looked to Logan"just don't touch anyone,I don't know if you hunted those ashes or not."

Logan was a bit offended but followed the Quiliser like everyone else is this how Nut could've been?

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