Chapter 8

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Virgil looked to the sky and sighed we're loosing time,we must be.

Patton looked to Virgil"it's gonna be ok Kiddo..I promise."Virgil looked to Patton"what if Roman's hurt?"

Patton shrugged"I thought that was the whole reason he was out here."Virgil smiled softly"not funny,Dad."

Janus groaned and looked at the two way path"did you forget,Janus?"Remus asked resting his chin on Janus's shoulder like a parrot.

"No I just need a moment."he grumbled shaking Remus off,Remus grimaced he almost never relaxes these days..

Remus looked to the two paths and had to double check the left path weird..I have a feeling it's this one for some reason.

"Ok,we're going right."Janus decided beginning to take a step"Janus wait!i think we should go left."

Janus stared down at the left path"why do you think that?"Remus shrugged"a feeling I guess."Janus looked to the right path"I'm positive we go this way,Remus."

"No I'm pretty sure we go left."Remus mumbled"Remus,you were super little the last time you were here.i doubt you remember."Janus said looking at both paths.

"You haven't been here it what,15 years?"Remus grumbled"well I'm not choosing my path on a feeling."Janus hissed.

"Yes you are,you are going off of a hunch.i can tell!"Remus growled"Remus,stand.down."Janus growled,his yellow eye glowing.

Remus looked to the ground"we're going this way,c'mon."everyone started walking Janus wouldn't try to control you if he loved you,but he does!we're best of pals!

Remus then skipped after them"!"he heard someone whisper making him look over his shoulder.

"O...k."Remus caught up with the group,Virgil looked to him"you good,trash man?"Remus nodded"I just thought I heard something."

Janus froze"what's wrong?"Patton asked,in response the ground below them fell.

Everyone screamed as they slid down what felt like a mountain of glass,Nut howled in fear as she clinged to Logan.

After a while Remus felt something cool a moist hit him like water when you jump in a pool,he opened his eyes and looked around.

Lava...wait,why is it cold?Remus thought before feeling someone touch his face,Remus looked infront of him and saw a mass of bubbles.

They seemed to form the silhouette of a person,the same height and build as him but held himself better oh my..Roman!?

Remus could've sworn he saw a face smile at him"don't speak whatever you do..."he heard a whisper,it sounded like the wind if you didn't listen closely.

"Find the others brother..."Remus looked around where!?"it might be hard to spot them but keep a eye out..."

Remus nodded but,what about you?are you ok?he thought he heard a distant sigh"I'm not at my best right now...this was the only way I could speak to you..."

Remus smiled I'm so sorry for what I did Roman,I was only trying to help!"I know you were Remus...that's why I love my little bro.."

Remus felt himself smile even more as he celebrated his brother loving him on the inside"and,I need you to tell Virgil something..."

Remus nodded speak away!"tell him to not worry so much and...he's the best at his job."oh I thought you were gonna say you love him!

"Shut...up!"Remus held back a cackle"it's getting bad over here...I have to go..."then the bubbles spreaded apart.

Remus smiled I love you too Ro... Remus then swam around,it was weird and hard to do but he managed.

Remus looked around and found Janus knocked out and upside down,Remus stifled a laugh and flicked Janus's nose.

Janus woke up and was about to say something,Remus put a hand on Janus's mouth and shook his head.

Remus looked around and found what looked like a island,he grabbed Janus's hand and swam him up there.

Remus and Janus crawled to land and Remus stared at him expectantly,Janus rolled his eyes"I'm sorry I should've listened to you about going left."

Remus smiled"thank you,I'll be right back."Remus nose dived back into the lava and looked around,he then found Logan holding onto Nut and looking around at the lava.

Remus swam over and pointed to the island,Logan nodded and swam up with Nut.

Remus put his hands on his hips and looked around again,he found Patton playing with a bubble.

Remus swam over and guided Patton to the island now Virgil.Remus swam around for what felt like a eternity he found Virgil looking up at the surface of the lava above him,he swam over and lead him to the island.

Once they were all on Remus fell back on the sand with a sigh"you saved us Remus!"Patton exclaimed before tackle hugging Remus,Remus groaned and smiled"Patton be careful!"Virgil mumbled.

Remus sat up and smiled at Virgil,Virgil groaned"I guess we did need you here,I'm pretty sure we could've been dead numerous times without you."

Remus cackled"your welcome Emo!"Virgil rolled his eyes"also,can I borrow you for a second?"Remus asked.

Virgil glared at Remus"fine,I guess I owe you."the two stood up and walked to a single tree on the island,Virgil leaned against it.

"You might not believe me but i think Roman is communicating with me."Virgil raised a eyebrow"he talked to me in the lava and told me to tell you:don't worry so much and that you're the best in your weirdo worrying business."

Virgil chuckled"he didn't say that."Remus awed"is the stone cold Emo blushing!?"Virgil shook his head"no way,you weirdo."

Remus smirked and acted surprised"what's that noise Virgil!?"Virgil's eyes widened"you.wouldn't.dare."

Remus smirked"it's the tickle train!"Remus made a train noise as Virgil backed away slowly"it's gotta make a stop at Virgil station!"

Virgil then ran with Remus following him"REMUS I SWEAR TO GOD!"Virgil yelled before tripping on a sand dune,Remus pounced on the smaller side and began to tickle him in all his worst spots.

Virgil full belly laughed"REMUS STOP!"he cried out while laughing"what's the magic word~?"Virgil shook his head"no way!"

Remus continued as Virgil laughed hysterically with a few snorts(they are cute and I think Virgil would snort when laughing ok!?)

"F-fine!Remus,Remus,uncle Remus!"Remus then stopped"see?you only needed to say the pass code then you one would've heard you snort like a pig!"

Virgil blushed"I fucking hate you."Patton ran over"language!"Remus cackled"English!"

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