Chapter 9

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Janus looked around"so,how do we get out of here?"Remus looked around and saw a a huge bolder the size of a building"we climb!"

Virgil raised a eyebrow"are you insane?"Logan adjusted his glasses"it could work Remus,once we are up there we can find a escape."

Patton nodded"I bet Nutty is good at climbing!"Nut growled and snuggled against Logan in his arms"I don't think Nut likes it when you call her that,Dad."Virgil mumbled.

"Oh of course,I'm sorry Nut!"Nut glared at Patton and turned away,Patton grimaced"there was a attempt."

Janus chuckled"alright let's swim over and start climbing."


Janus looked down at the others climbing behind him,Nut staying on Logan's back.

Logan groaned"you realize you can climb a lot better then me,right?"Remus cackled"sorry Logan but it's their instinct to hold onto their moms when going to high places."

Logan rolled his eyes"could you inform me later?"he grumbled and Remus nodded"of course Nerdy Wolverine!"

Janus pulled himself up to the top and looked down at Patton who was closest"I got you Patt."he grabbed Patton's hands and pulled him up.

Patton smiled"thanks Janus!"Janus pushed up Patton's glasses"anytime,Patton."Remus sighed"hello!?"

Patton walked off and Janus didn't seem to notice as he followed now that's just fucked up.Remus groaned as he helped himself up then grabbed a pebble,he then threw it at the back of Janus's head.

"Hey!"Janus growled at Remus"what?i think it fell from up there!"Remus pointed to the open sky"now that's a whole lotta-"

"A little help here?"Virgil asked,Remus turned and helped him up"thanks Remus."Remus smiled Virgil realized me,and he hates me!why doesn't Janus realize I'm here too?

Virgil then turned and helped up Logan"thank you,Virgil."Nut letted out a bark at Virgil,Remus then looked around.

On the other side was almost a slide of a glass like substance that lead to a forest"I guess we slide."Janus mumbled before sliding down.

Patton smiled"wee!!"he yelled as he went down,Virgil smirked and slid down.

Nut whimpered and hid her face in Logan's arm"it's ok,Nutmeg."Logan whispered"you want me to hold you the whole way?you don't have to open your eyes."

Nut nodded then Logan slid down,Remus jumped down we and screech and slid onto the grass like a beached whale.

Virgil helped him up,Remus looked at the trees before them"let's go!"Remus exclaimed skipping forward.

Nut meg ran down Logan and walked at his feet with her chin up proudly,after a bit of walking Remus pushed away a bush and gasped"Ferdabunnies!"he exclaimed.

"Ferdinand?"Patton asked"no,Ferdabunnies!"Remus ran forward"Remus we don't have time to ride Ferdabunnies!"Virgil yelped as he and Janus ran after him.

After some running through tall grass everyone found Remus on the back of a big bunny with flopped ears and triceratops horns,Remus cackled"everyone,hop on a bunny!"

"Bunnies!"Patton squealed running to a pure white one with perked ears and white eyes"hi there!can I ride you?"

The bunny purred and Patton climbed on its back,using its foot as leverage"that's Amy!"Remus said.

"You talk giant bunny?"Logan asked picking Nut up protectively"basically,both me and Roman created them.they have three-"

"Ok too much info,Remus!"Virgil butted in only to trip over the ear of a bunny with grey fur,the bunny sniffed Virgil and helped him up.

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