Chapter 33

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Virgil flew down as he yelped,he opened his arms and slowly opened one eye.

He looked down at the forest below him"it works!"Virgil cheered as he glided around.

Logan,Patton,and Janus went down next.

Patton laughed"this is so cool!"Virgil nodded"I know right!?"Logan looked to the trees and smiled softly Nut would've loved this.

Janus looked to the sky happily and watched the clouds,Roman then jumped down"WOO!"he yelled as the wind picked up his wings.

Virgil laughed"be careful,Princey!"the wind changed and Remus went down,he spinner around and bumped into Logan.

"Remus,careful!"Logan grabbed onto Remus's hand and helped him straighten himself,Remus stared up at Logan from below him with their hands still together.

Logan blushed"s-sorry!"Remus smirked as he blushed too"you're fine,nerd."the wind changed and the two spinned making Remus squeak and laugh.

Logan chuckled as well this is actually fun!as they went back to normal Logan was underneath Remus,Remus smiled down at Logan.

Logan smiled softly and rested his forehead on Remus's,Patton smiled"they grow up so fast,DeDe."he whispered to Janus.

Virgil gagged"I didn't think they'd end up like that."Roman chuckled"I think it's cute my little bro has someone to help me keep him in check."

A stick suddenly sped through the air and sliced a leaf on Virgil and grazed his shoulder"shit!"Virgil squirmed around before falling to the trees.

"VIRGIL!"Roman yelled,by now the adominiums were there.

Virgil saw as Roman dived down after him,the others following as he fell.

(Hey,who do you think tops?Remus or Logan?)

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