Chapter 20

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⚠️main character death?⚠️

Logan rode Nut and sighed as she came to a stop"nothing?"Nut shook her head"n-no."

Logan smiled softly and petted Nut"you're a smart girl,Nut."Nut smiled and looked up at Logan.

Logan suddenly felt a chill and looked around before hearing a whisper"take it know you want to..."

It sounded scratchy unlike Roman so it couldn't have been him,Nut growled at the wind"what's wrong,Nut?"

"You all..."Logan shivered and looked around"who's there!?"

Nut whimpered silently"it's ok,'s gonna figure this out."Logan got off of Nut and looked around.

Nut suddenly leaped over Logan and onto he ground,dirt was kicked up in the sand"NUTMEG WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

Logan then saw a ghost like figure wrestling with Nut below them, Nut snarled and snapped at the creature.

Logan stood completely frozen w-what is that thing?Nut yelped and scrambled away from the creature,standing protectively infront of Logan.

Logan saw a claw mark in Nut's shoulder making him gasp,the creature letted out a cruel chuckle"you are actually stupid enough to defend a outsider?"

Nut growled as the creature gained shape,making it the shape of a man.

Logan looked up at Nut"Nutmeg,you're hurt.let me fight it!"Nut looked to Logan and shook her head before turning and pouncing on the shape.

Nut growled and bit at air,a screech was heard and purple blood spilled on the grass.

"YOU BITCH!"the shape hissed making fists,the ground began to shake and Nut looked to Logan with concern.

Suddenly the ground below them shifted to a wave of rock and ground,Logan screamed as he began to fall from the top.

He felt something grip to his abdomen and saw Nut,she landed on the grass with a thud but Logan was unharmed.

"Are you ok,Nut!?"Logan asked looking over her wounds,Nut shook Logan off"Logan what's happening!?"Janus asked running over.

"This ghost is fighting Nut and she won't let me help!"Nut then pounced on it again"Greed..."Logan looked to Janus"what!?"

"It's a sin,Greed to be specific!"Janus said as Greed wrestled with Nut,Logan ran forward"I'm coming,Nutty girl!"Logan yelled.

Nut looked to Logan and shook her head,Logan then stabbed Greed with his spear"stay away from here,you beast!"

Thing's seemed to go in slow motion as Greed was about to hit Logan,Nut bit the collar of his shirt and flinged him back to Janus.

The two sides fell over and watched as Greed's shadowy hand scratched down Nut's back making her let out a screech of pain.

Logan watched as Nut fell to the ground"y-you...YOU SON OF A-"before Logan could attack Janus did the disappearing trick on Greed.

Everything went to normal and Logan looked to Nut lying on the ground"n-no,no,no,no!"Logan ran over and looked at the scar on her spine that would never heal.

Logan felt tears go down his face as he looked to Nut who's marks were glowing faintly,Nut whined as she slowly turned her head to Logan.

"Nutmeg,I'm so sorry,I-it's my fault!"Logan whimpered hiding his face in his hands as Janus watched sadly,Nut lifted up her head and licked Logan's hand to get his attention.

Logan looked back to his companion""Nut mumbled out making Logan smile sadly.

Logan then thought back to feeling Nut bite his leg,to her clinging to Logan as she growled at Patton,to riding her for the first time"I guess you're not my little nut anymore,are you?"

Nut letted out a shallow bark of a chuckle making some blood escape her maw"I'll always be your little nut...Mom..."she whispered softly,Logan closed his eyes and rested his head on Nut's.

"I love you Nutmeg,I'll always love you my smart girl."Logan sobbed making Nut lick his cheek"a-and I love you...m-my old mom has n-nothing on you..."

Logan chuckled softly and stared into Nut's eyes,full of pain and fear but yet courage and bravery"I'll see you on the other side?"

Nut nodded as the once light that filled her eyes faded and she rested her head back on the grass,Logan hid his face in his hands as he sobbed.

Janus sat beside him and tried to comfort his friend,the two then watched as Nut's marks glowed till they couldn't see her.

When they could they saw a bottle with ashes inside"w-what.."Logan picked it up"are these Nut's?"the two stood up"we'll need to tell the others,the only one left is Pride."

Logan held the bottle close"of course."

(Wow this hurts to write)

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