Chapter 27

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Patton hummed"What is t-this s-stuff?"the smell of it reached his nose,it smelled amazing!

Janus smelled it"I-it smells good!"Janus then locked eyes with Patton,his pupils almost looked like hearts woah...he's pretty.

Patton stared at Janus wow Janus has always been this hot?Janus smiled"woah,were you always this glowing?"he purred.

Patton blushed"I don't know,what about you?you're just straight handsome!"Janus chuckled and walked to Patton"actually,I'm gay handsome.especially for you,cutie~."Janus caressed his cheek.

Patton smiled"you goof!"he grabbed Janus's hat and pulled it off as he kissed him,Janus ignored it.

Patton dropped the hat into the smoke that was rising slowly,putting his arms over Janus's shoulders.

Janus pulled away"there's a real kiss!"Patton giggled"shut up,snake boy."


Logan smelled the smoke"this smells good!"he said,Remus gaped"Logan don't-"

Remus suddenly smelled it no,don't fall for it Remus!he repeated in his head before locking eyes with Logan,he looked him up and down NO!snap out of it,you're gonna make a fool out of both of you!

"Hey Remus,you're kinda cute!"Logan purred making Remus blush no,it's the smoke!though Remus didn't want it to be the smoke.

"Are you ignoring me?"Logan asked walked closer making Remus walk into the wall"n-no,I'd never ignore you!"Logan smiled and pinned Remus"then kiss me duke."he challenged.

Remus blushed no,this isn't Logan!Logan sighed"don't just stare at me,c'mon!"Remus sighed as he caved in I'm so sorry Logan.

Remus kissed the taller logical side lustfully,Logan smirked and grabbed at Remus's crop top.

Remus smirked and pulled away enough to breath and speak"hey watch those hands nerd~."

Logan chuckled"just keep kissing,duke~."Remus looked into Logan's eyes"with pleasure~."


Virgil sniffed the smoke"woah..."Roman's eyes widened"Virgil I think-"Virgil looked up at him with almost heart looking pupils"are you ok,Virge?"Roman asked damn love smoke making him look hot.

"Yeah,are you?"Virgil purred walking to Roman"yeah I'm good,w-we should keep going."Virgil grabbed Roman's hand as he tried to get away.

"Princey,I know this stuff's messing with my mind but I need to say what it's making me say."Roman stopped and looked back at Virgil"b-because it's giving me the confidence to say it for once."

Roman nodded,Virgil sighed"I love you,Roman.I've loved you for a while,you've been by my side for so long and I fell for that."Roman blushed.

"I want to kiss you and for you to hold me whenever I'm scared,I want us to be more then don't have to though..."Roman smiled and kissed Virgil for a moment.

"Virgil,I love you too."Virgil smiled"are you sure this smoke isn't making you say that?"Roman nodded"you're the most compassionate,strong,brave side in all of the saved me!"

Virgil grabbed the edge of Roman's shirt collar and pulled him into another kiss,never wanting this to end.

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