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Olivia sat by the window, staring at the wide avenue flanked with beautiful buildings. She could look at them for hours.

There was something special about each of them. Olivia loved the intricate wrought-iron balconies, the stained-glass windows, and the limestone facades.

Everything fascinated her. Paris, the City of Lights, never lost its charm. Not even the pelting rain would make Olivia hate it.

Sighing, she rubbed her toes. Her gaze fell upon the pair of pointe shoes next to the bed. Far from being new, they told countless stories.

The last one was about the majestic stage of the Palais Garnier, and Olivia's light, gracious footsteps as she rushed down the grand marble staircase and crossed the impressive foyer only to exit the theater and end up in Remy's arms.

The hotel room where Olivia was cost Remy a big part of his savings. He would never tell her that, but she knew it regardless.

Remy was unable to lie. His eyes gave him away, even when no words left his mouth. When Olivia told him the audition went well, relief flooded Remy's hazel irises.

Blinking away the tears, she let her eyes soak in the sight of the opera theater farther down the street.

The sound of determined footsteps in the hotel hallway outside her room and then the soft click of the door made Olivia snap out of it and direct her attention to Remy.

Rain droplets clung to the worn leather of his jacket. Smiling, he crossed the room and crouched down beside the armchair, where Olivia sat.

"I have something for you."

Remy handed her a bag. Curious, Olivia retrieved the object that was hidden inside.

A beautiful tune she recognized broke the silence. Trapped in the music box, the little ballerina in her pink tutu and golden pointe shoes twirled to the melody, much like Olivia did earlier.

Baffled, Remy watched as tears welled up in his young wife's eyes.

"Livvy, what's wrong? I thought you'd like it."

"I love it; it's beautiful. It must've cost you a fortune."

Remy sighed. "Stop it. You know there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. So, what happened?"

Biting her lip, Olivia rose from the armchair and walked up to the desk. Her slim fingers trembled as she gripped the thing that would change her and Remy's lives forever.

Confusion clouded her husband's handsome face when she handed it to him.


Nodding, Olivia sniffled. "I'm pregnant."

Remy smiled, but the happiness didn't last long. "Does that mean you won't be able to do it? But they told you—"

"I didn't know it then, Remy. I thought all that sickness was because of the nerves. You know how I get before an audition."

Sighing, Remy wrapped his arms around his wife. "What are we going to do? What do you want to do, Livvy?"

Olivia inhaled the scent of Remy's cologne that never failed to calm her down and pressed a kiss to his jaw before her eyes met his.

"I don't know what name to choose if it's a girl, but if it's a boy, I would like to name him Liam."

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