Chapter 25

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The visit of Sky's so-called friend had a silver lining to it: we finally talked

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The visit of Sky's so-called friend had a silver lining to it: we finally talked.

I didn't know where we would go from there. There were no promises, but Sky was honest about the reason why she ran away. She wasn't ready for more, and I got that.

I decided to be patient and let her do it on her terms. We would continue spending time together and getting to know each other.

Nothing happened between us last night. Although Sky didn't let it show, her ex-friend's betrayal affected her, and I knew better than to push.

"Ready to go?" asked Aiden.

I powered off my computer and grabbed my laptop bag and the jacket.

"I'll drive," I said, taking the car key from my pocket.

We were going to have our first meeting with some prospective suppliers — just Aiden and I, two young guys who barely knew shit and were promoted to junior project managers. The pay raise and the new position were more than welcome, but my nerves overpowered the excitement.

Having parked my car in front of the restaurant the suppliers had chosen, I entered the place, followed by Aiden.

Much to my surprise, we were the first to arrive there. Aiden ordered some water for both of us, and we got ready to wait.

In a while, I grew restless. "It's quarter past. Not nice," I said, glancing at my watch.

Aiden seemed to be taking in our surroundings. "Do you know who they are?" he asked me.

"No idea. Darren only said that we should try to work with them. They are new; their products have been on the market since December last year."

Fifteen more minutes passed, and then, Aiden nodded toward the entrance of the restaurant. "Those two guys must be the ones we need."

He was right. I wished he wasn't.

"Afternoon." The shorter guy extended his hand for Aiden to shake as soon as he came up to our table. "I'm Arthur, and this is my colleague, Paul. Sorry for the delay, the traffic is insane."

All roads seemed to lead to the bastard of Sky's ex. The prick eyed me with a smirk. I would break a couple of his bones with pleasure.

"It's okay. I'm Aiden, and he's Liam," I heard Aiden say. "We haven't ordered yet. Since the invitation is ours, feel free to choose what you want," he added as we sat down.

A smiling girl appeared next to us, ready to take our order.

I doubted it would be easy for me to eat with that bastard sitting opposite me with a smug look on his face, but I ordered some meat, just like Aiden and Arthur did.

When Paul asked for seafood, I wasn't even surprised. The way he eye-fucked the waitress wasn't much of a shock, either.

"She's got nice assets." The jerk whistled, not waiting for the girl to be out of earshot.

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