Chapter 27

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I woke up to Liam playing with my hair, his fingers threading through it, and one of his arms wrapped tightly around me

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I woke up to Liam playing with my hair, his fingers threading through it, and one of his arms wrapped tightly around me.

It was funny how fast one could get used to good things. I was already familiar with Liam's heat, and the feeling of his lean body pressed to mine. Too many things remained a mystery. Yet, I liked everything I learned about him.

I was wondering what we were to each other- more than friends, less than lovers. Liam didn't want to push, taking careful steps to get closer to me. The question was, why?

There was the attraction, the desire, but those things alone weren't enough to say we were together. We weren't, and for once, I didn't want to rush. I wanted to take it slow and get to know the real him. The fear of making another mistake made me cautious. If only I had been careful before.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart," I heard Liam say.

He remembered, although I only mentioned it once.

"Thank you," I said, turning around to face him.

Liam inched forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek. Then, he kissed me below my ear, pulling me to him.

"I know it's early, but I wanted to have breakfast with you while Tim is still sleeping. What do you say?" Liam asked, running his thumb along my jaw.

"Okay. I'm going to get ready."

"We have forty minutes." Pecking my cheek, Liam threw the comforter off him and rolled out of bed. "I'll be in the kitchen."

Not wasting a minute, I rushed to my bathroom. A quick shower later, I stood in front of the closet, unable to decide what to wear. Scolding myself for wasting time, I took a beautiful gray dress I'd only worn once from the hanger.

There was no time for makeup. I had to settle for some mascara and blush before going to the kitchen.

Liam was there, making coffee in one of his usual button-downs. An éclair lay on a platter. Liam didn't usually eat them.

"Your coffee." Liam handed me a mug. "And the éclair is for you, too."

"You didn't have to."

"Just accept it." He rolled his eyes. "I don't do things I don't want to do, okay? Besides, you have to celebrate that you're a big girl now."

I swatted at Liam's chest, making him laugh. "Thanks for the reminder, dad."

Liam's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Aye? Didn't you call me daddy? If my memory serves me right, you wanted me to spank you. Since it's your birthday, I might."

"Oh, my God." I covered my flushed cheeks with my palms. "I'm not into that. Are you?"

Liam crossed the little distance between us and hugged me, kissing my temple, my cheek, and then my neck. "No," he murmured against my skin. "But I can think of many other ways to make you feel good that don't involve pain. If I'm honest with you, I wouldn't be able to do anything that could hurt you."

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