Chapter 69

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Liam smelled like home

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Liam smelled like home.

I buried my nose in his shirt, inhaling the familiar aroma of his cologne mixed with the detergent he used.

To me, it was as if we teleported to our apartment in Paris instead of standing in my parents' kitchen.

"You came." I sniffled, hugging him tighter.

Liam kissed my cheek very close to my ear, whispering, "Not since our last time, no."

I laughed, and he dried my tears with his lips, smiling. I hoped it meant he forgave me. Hundreds of questions swirled in my head, but I didn't know where to start asking.

"You're going home with me, but first, we will spend some days in a place I'm going to show you. Go get your things."

Liam was acting bossy, and I would be a liar if I said I didn't miss it. I even missed his stubbornness.

Glancing toward where my parents were huddled together next to the kitchen window, I saw Mom give me a thumbs up. I took Liam's hand in mine and led him to my bedroom.

His eyes swept over my room, and he chuckled, seeing my collection of dolls.


Liam shrugged. "Nothing. Pack, sweetheart. It's a six-hour drive. I'd rather leave soon. The roads there aren't too good to drive at night."

"I didn't unpack. I just took out some clothes, but the rest of my things are in the suitcases. I was going to travel back to Paris, and I called you, but you didn't pick up the phone."

"I had no reception. I'll tell you everything later, now come on, let's gather your things."

Liam helped me stuff some clothes into a suitcase. When only toiletries were left, he scratched the back of his head. "Listen, sweetheart. I need to call my brother and have a word with your dad before we go. Will you manage without me? I'll take some things to my car."

I smiled. "Sure, go."

Liam walked out of the room, and I finished packing. Downstairs, Mom was alone in the kitchen, standing by the window.

"Such a good boy." She nodded toward where Liam was talking about something with my dad next to Liam's car. "He loves you a lot, Sky. I'm happy that you found each other."

"I'm happy, too. I didn't think he would travel all the way here."

Mom smiled, hugging me tightly. "When you matter to someone, no distance is too long. Are you ready to go? Liam told us about his plans. Have fun, and we will see the two of you before you travel back to Paris."

"Will you and Dad be okay?"

Mom laughed. "Of course. Louise is a bit late; she called me before you came downstairs. She will surely come up with something. Sam will be here, too. It's our mess to solve. As soon as everything is sorted out, we will send you some money to pay for your studies."

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