Chapter 34

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Being in Marseille was a welcome distraction from everything going on in Paris, and a perfect opportunity to clear my head

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Being in Marseille was a welcome distraction from everything going on in Paris, and a perfect opportunity to clear my head.

Everything I had been trying to avoid came rushing into my life, promising chaos and turmoil, making me question my earlier choices and rethink the future and how I wanted it to be.

Aiden and I had dinner at a bar. The meal turned into a heart-to-heart. I didn't realize how much I needed to talk to someone and share some things that happened in my life.

It was strangely warm for November, thanks to the Mediterranean climate. We decided to take a walk in the port and see some of the city. The schedule of the upcoming Project Management training was packed. I doubted we would have enough time for sightseeing.

"Calling Ellie again?" I asked Aiden, who was frowning with his phone pressed to his ear.

"Yeah." He sighed. "I guess you are right, and she's having dinner with Sky. I would be calmer if she picked up the damn phone."

"I'm sure she's okay." I gave my friend a reassuring smile.

"Fucking hope so," mumbled Aiden. "I know you think it's weird. I don't expect you to get it, man, but when she isn't near, I'm in a state of constant worry, wondering what Ellie is doing and if she's eating the way she should."

"I get it," I said, slowing down as we approached one of the waterfront cafes.

We took a table facing the yachts docked in the marina and ordered two beers.

I watched my buddy take a sip from the bottle as he glanced around, studying our surroundings.

Gathering the courage I needed, I blurted out something that had been torturing me for days. "I'm also worried about Sky."

Aiden failed to hide his smirk as he traced the label glued to his bottle. "Aye?"

"Yeah. And I'm telling you this because I honestly don't know what to do."

"Okay," Aiden said, leaning back in the wooden chair. "What exactly is going on?"

"Sky went through lots of shit, Aiden, and fuck; I think she might be mildly depressed. The other day, she almost had a panic attack out of the blue."

"Do you think it's because of her ex and what he said?"

I went quiet for a moment, thinking about how to say things without disclosing too much. I couldn't tell Aiden what was going on between us before giving Sky a heads-up.

"I think it has something to do," I finally admitted. "Do you know when your girl is lying?"

Aiden chuckled. "She doesn't do it often, but yeah. Ellie isn't good at pretending. I usually know what she is up to. Her face gives her away."

It was different with Sky. She let me see her vulnerable side but was usually trying to hide it from the rest of the people in her life.

The way she struggled to breathe that one time was enough for me to be alarmed. The fact that it happened when she was half-naked on my lap only made me feel worse. What happened with the douchebag must have affected her way more than I thought it did, hence her hesitation to let me take care of her the way she deserved.

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