Chapter 61

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By the end of the night, we were all slightly buzzed

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By the end of the night, we were all slightly buzzed. Liam and I danced together, confident that our friends ignored us. After all, everyone knew we both liked dancing. It shouldn't have seemed suspicious.

Liam's jealousy toward Jim was more than evident, but he had no reason to be. My heart belonged to him and only him. Jim was a great guy, but he didn't make my heart race. Nobody did, only Liam.

It was time to head back home. Aiden and Ellie shared the cab with Lucy and Alex, while Liam and I got into a taxi with Jim.

The club was almost on the outskirts of Paris. I got ready for a long journey, but barely five minutes after, Liam asked the driver to stop the car. Then, he looked at Jim.

"Will you find your way home, O'Brien? Sky and I have somewhere to be."

Jim chuckled. "Sure, kids. Go have fun. I haven't seen anything."

Liam gave the cab driver our home address again to make sure Jim would end up home, and we exited the car.

I swept my eyes over the high rises surrounding us. We were in the business area where Liam worked. "What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I'm taking you somewhere beautiful," said Liam, gripping my hand and lacing our fingers.

I trailed behind him as he strolled toward his office building and swept the card to access it at the entrance. Our footfalls echoed in the empty lobby as we made our way to the elevators. I saw Liam press the button for the top floor as soon as the door slid open.

Leaning against the wall, Liam focused his eyes on me, smiling just slightly. I did the same for the rest of the ascent, quietly observing him.

"You first," Liam said when the elevator halted.

I made a few tentative steps forward and had to open a door leading to what I assumed was an office. However, I couldn't have been more wrong— we were on the roof.

With his arm drawn around my shoulders, Liam walked to one of the edges. The unhindered view of Parisian landmarks took my breath away. The city at night had its unique magic. The lights highlighting the most significant monuments gave Paris a special glow, and my eyes opened as wide as the lens of my camera would had I brought it with me. I was trying to take in every minute detail of the night and the beauty surrounding me.

"I've only been here at night once." I heard Liam say. "It's one of the best spots to see the city at night. I wanted to show it to you."

I turned around and drew my arms around his waist. "I'm happy you did. I only regret not having taken my camera with me."

Liam's thumb rubbed small circles on my cheek. "We can always come back and take some pictures. Now that you've said it, there are quite a few beautiful spots in Paris we haven't visited yet."

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