Chapter 53

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"The water is ready

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"The water is ready."

Liam appeared in the doorway and walked up to where I was wrapped in a blanket in front of the fireplace.

I tried to stand up, but he shook his head and leaned down to scoop me up in his arms. I smiled, curling up my arms around his neck, and burying my face in the crook of it.

Kissing my forehead, Liam whispered, "Tired?"

"A bit. You?"

He chuckled. "Yes and no. Come on, let's bathe first."

Liam made his way to the bathroom and put me down next to the tub. I watched him take off his underwear and step into the water. I followed his lead, sitting with my back to his chest and resting my head on his shoulder.

The dawn was almost there; soon, the sun would light up the snow-covered trees and reflect off the white blanket that covered everything around us. For now, it was only the two of us in the bubbly heaven, with no noises other than our heartbeats and our breaths.

Liam ran his finger down my cheek and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Are you feeling okay?" he asked, looking into my eyes.

"I am. It's perfect. You don't have to worry."

Sighing, Liam kissed my fingers one by one. "I hope I didn't rush into it with you."

I pecked his cheek. "Both of us would combust if we waited any longer. These last weeks were also hard for me, you know? Knowing you were there and not being able to do anything yet."

Liam's phone buzzed on the edge of the tub. I saw the name Victor on the screen and sat straighter. Liam picked up the phone and greeted his boss. Then, he listened intently for a while, not saying much other than understood and good.

As soon as he hung up, I turned around in the tub and faced him. "What did he say? How's Ellie?"

"The knife wound was superficial, but she hit her head on the ice, and they induced a coma to prevent significant damage. They will reverse it as soon as the brain swelling reduces. That's what they told Victor."

My eyes watered, and I covered my mouth with my hands, unable to stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. "A coma?"

"Ellie's doctors know what they are doing. We need to have faith, sweetheart. Come here."

I let Liam comfort me. In a while, I asked, "And Aiden? Please tell me he isn't there all alone."

"Aiden is okay. Well, as okay as he can be. I texted him while I was getting the bath ready. He told me he'd call us later and said O'Brien was there with him."

I let out a relieved sigh. "I'm glad Jimmy is by his side."

Liam went strangely quiet. "Jimmy, huh?"

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