Chapter 26

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I was sitting on the living room couch, reading my Econ textbook with Tim by my side

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I was sitting on the living room couch, reading my Econ textbook with Tim by my side. Amelia dropped him off at home half an hour ago. Now, the boy was reading a book for school, glancing at me now and then.

My thoughts drifted to Gia and her betrayal. I would never have thought she would take Paul's side. How could you defend someone who doesn't treat women right if you're a girl? I didn't get it.

It was obvious that many things in my life were fake, even friends. Ellie would never do that to me, and neither would Ava. I regretted not spending more time with her. Many of my stupid mistakes could be avoided had I surrounded myself with different people.

The front door creaked open. Liam was home.

When he stepped into the living room, I dropped the textbook onto my lap.

"Oh my God, Liam! What happened to you?"

Tim's eyes widened in alarm when he registered the bruise and the cut on his brother's face. I drew my arm around the boy's shoulders. He was little, and I didn't want him to worry.

"Hey," Liam said. "It's nothing, okay? Someone was disrespecting a girl; I witnessed it and got into a fight with the guy."

"At work?" I asked.

"No. It happened downtown. Don't worry, okay? I'm alright."

I wasn't sure Liam was telling the truth. He might have lied because of Tim.

The kid in question jumped off the couch and ran to his brother, hugging him with fervor.

"It's okay, buddy," Liam said, patting Tim's back. "I had to do it. Remember what I told you about defending those who cannot do it for themselves?"

"I do, Liam."

"Good boy. Now let me take a shower, and then we will talk."

Liam went to his room. Tim looked at me, frowning. "Will my brother be okay?"

"Of course, Timmy. I'm sure it's nothing. It's only a little bruise, but if you want, I can check on him and see if he needs anything."

Tim's eyes glimmered with hope. "Pretty please?"

"Go on reading. I'll be back."

Having left my textbook on the coffee table, I rose to my feet and went to talk to Liam. His bedroom was empty. I sat on his carefully made bed and clasped my hands on my knees.

Was he telling the truth? He wasn't a violent guy. In the little time we spent together, I had never seen him enraged.

"Oh...damn, Sky, I didn't expect to find you here."

Liam stood in the doorway in nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. It was the first time I'd seen him like that in broad daylight.

My eyes roamed his torso, my heated gaze traveling over the ridges of his muscles, stopping on the upper part of his chest. I could see a part of the tattoo now— a wing.

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