Chapter 42

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It was Thursday already, and for the biggest part of the day, I'd been desperately trying to convince myself nothing out of the ordinary would happen tonight

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It was Thursday already, and for the biggest part of the day, I'd been desperately trying to convince myself nothing out of the ordinary would happen tonight.

Liam and I had seen each other naked more than once. I knew what his kisses felt like. His smell and taste were not foreign to me anymore.

Yet, I was lying to myself. It would be a big deal because letting him do things to me meant trust.

Somehow, with his patience and gentleness, Liam managed to tumble down the walls I built to protect myself from pain and disappointment. I craved things I used to be afraid of. I wanted intimacy and passion and feeling everything with him.

Liam would soon be back from driving Tim to school, where the bus was waiting to take the kids on a trip. He didn't mention anything about tonight, only asked what time my classes finished.

After I took a long shower and did my hair, I hesitated in front of my dresser before pulling out the famous red bra I'd bought and a matching pair of panties, if a set of strings with a tiny triangle in the middle could be called so.

Maybe he wouldn't even notice, but I wanted to feel sexy and pretty. Perhaps this way, I wouldn't fall victim to my nerves.

I buttoned up the shirt dress I wore and went to the living room to watch something on TV while Liam was gone.

Barely ten minutes had passed when he unlocked the door.

Liam took off his coat and boots and walked into the living room, holding a bag.

"Hey." He smiled. I didn't miss the way his eyes traveled over my body; neither did I fail to notice him touch the back of his neck the way he did when he was nervous.

"I bought something for dinner," Liam said. "Would you like to have it in the living room or the kitchen?"

"Here is good. I'll help you."

In the kitchen, he served the food, and I got the plates and silverware.
We enjoyed the takeout sitting on the living room carpet and not talking much. The glances we threw at each other and the smiles said more than words would.

When the food was gone, I fumbled with the hem of my dress, biting my lip as I focused my eyes anywhere but on Liam in his tight black jeans and an equally dark tee that clung to his torso.

"Come here," Liam called. He grabbed the remote and leaned against the assortment of cushions on the couch. I sat next to him, and he sighed, pulling me flush to his body, making me lie beside him.

Wrapping his arms around me, he buried one of his hands in my hair and tugged slightly so I'd look at him.

"It's not like this, sweetheart," he whispered.

"Like what?"

Chuckling, Liam stroked my cheek with his thumb. "I can feel how nervous you are. It has to be natural. Now, we're going to watch some TV, you in my arms, relaxed and content. Things will happen when they have to. We have all evening and night ahead of us. There's no need to rush."

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