Chapter 8

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"I was studying in the South, as you already know

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"I was studying in the South, as you already know."

"And you transferred here because the school is better," said Liam.

"That's the lie I still have to tell my parents, but the truth is different."

"How so?"

Liam seemed genuinely interested in knowing what happened, and I didn't expect I'd talk about it with a guy, but I was doing it.

"I had a boyfriend back there. He got a job in Paris, and we did the long-distance thing, but it got too hard. I decided to change schools because of him, and I rented my current apartment for us because he was complaining that his place was small."

Liam's jaw worked as his eyes lowered to the glass in his hand. "And what happened?"

"When I took my things and moved here, I...well, I wanted to surprise him, but it turned out he was living with someone else — with another girl in a big condo. I mean, it was my fault, who does that without asking the guy first, right?"

My voice came out weak the way it always did when I talked about my mistakes.

"You were in a relationship," said Liam. "The normal thing for the guy would be to be thrilled about the fact that his girl would be near. You did nothing wrong."

"It's not that easy," I whispered, avoiding his eyes.

"It seems quite easy to me. If he cheated on you, it's on him. That's the kind of person he is. So, no, Sky, you're not the one to blame."

"I'm not perfect, Liam."

"Nobody is. What's perfect, anyway? Steak tartare?"

I scrunched up my nose. Raw meat was very far from being my favorite.

"See? Look at that couple over there," Liam nodded his head in their direction discreetly. "They are both eating it as if it were the damn éclairs you love so much. They love it. It's perfect for them. And we ordered cheese because it's perfect for us. There's something perfect for everyone, but it doesn't have to be the same thing. That'd be boring as fuck."

"Wow...those are some deep thoughts, roomie."

Liam chuckled, shaking his head.

The waiter came with our appetizers — fried Camembert salad for Liam and me.

"We seem to like the same food." I smiled.

"Well," Liam shifted in his seat, "I must admit, I love meat, raw or not."

I picked up a napkin, ready to throw it at him.

Liam laughed, raising his hands in surrender. "I had an ulterior motive, Sky. When we were going through the menu, you grimaced at the dish. I decided not to order it so that you wouldn't feel uncomfortable with me eating it."

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