Chapter 63

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We spent the first two weeks of July enjoying our love and the Parisian blazing sun

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We spent the first two weeks of July enjoying our love and the Parisian blazing sun. Everyone tried to escape Paris in summer, but Liam and I relished everything it had to offer.

We took long walks in the parks, kissing in the shade of the trees, and sat by the Seine in the evening, dipping our feet in the water and talking about a million things.

Tim was at a soccer summer camp with his new team till August. Although Liam had to work, we still had enough time to spend together. When we weren't, we were training our dancers at the studio.

The showcase was the following day, and now, I was wrapping up the rehearsal with the four kids while Liam was dealing with an emergency at work.

"We wanted to thank you," Fleur said. "Even if we don't win tomorrow, what you and Liam did for us means a lot. It was like going back to when we were kids who enjoyed dancing."

"Absolutely," said Gaspar. "You and Liam are so cool and passionate about what you do. You could make loads of money, teaching people how to dance."

"Thank you." I laughed. "We only agreed because it's the four of you. I really think you can win tomorrow."

Fleur and Raphael hopped to their feet from the floor and rushed over to me.

"A collective hug?" Clara asked.

In an instant, I was sandwiched between the two girls, and then the guys joined us, laughing when I struggled to break free.

I said goodbye to my students and walked home. Liam would leave work late, and I wanted to surprise him with a romantic dinner.

As soon as I was in our apartment, I gathered my hair up in a ponytail and stood in front of the fridge, deciding what to cook.

Just like it usually happened, my mom chose that very moment to call me. I accepted the video chat request, and my heart sank when I saw her face.

"What happened?" I asked instead of a greeting.

Mom tried to smile, but she wouldn't fool me.

"Is it Dad?" I uttered.

Mom shook her head. "No, baby. He's okay, but we have problems."

"What problems?"

Mom sighed. "Sit somewhere, Sky. You won't like what I have to say."

I dragged my feet to the living room and lowered myself onto the couch, clutching the phone in my sweaty hands. 

"Your dad got us in trouble," Mom said.

"What do you mean? What trouble?"

Mom sniffled and wiped at her eyes. "Financial."

"Mom, tell me everything calmly, okay?"

Mom nodded and started to speak in a shaky voice, "You know he had been complaining about his pay for a while."

"I do, and?"

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