Chapter 20

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Dedicated to two wonderful ladies JessEubanks and ViDisha21

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Dedicated to two wonderful ladies JessEubanks and ViDisha21. Girls, you will know why. *chuckles*

On a side note, thank you for 5k reads already! It's amazing! I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I love writing it. I love your comments; tell me what you think!

P.S. for those who like seeing teasers before the chapter is out, and want to know about future stories, my Instagram is alwynk_author
I'm active there, let's be friends!


"No, wrong door

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"No, wrong door."

Putting my arm around Sky's waist, I led her toward the bathroom, away from the kitchen.

My eyes landed on Sky's feet. "Let's take these off," I said, crouching down next to her.

Sky placed her hands on my shoulders to steady herself. I wished she wasn't drunk, and I undressed her differently.

The right shoe slid off Sky's foot, revealing the redness on her heel. She moaned, throwing her head back when I touched the tender skin.

"Careful with those sounds, sweetheart," I said, helping her get rid of the left shoe.

Sky moved her hands to the back of my neck. The featherlike touch of her fingertips made goosebumps erupt on my skin.

"Liam," she whispered, tightening her grip on me.

I swallowed hard. "Yeah?"

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Okay, come here," I said, getting up.

Pulling a clean towel from the cabinet, I lay it on the floor and made Sky sit on it by the toilet.

It was as far from my idea of a night with her as it could be, but then again, things hardly ever went according to plan.

"It's okay." I held Sky's hair up with one hand and stroked her back with the other. "You need to get rid of the crap you drank, sweetheart. Why the hell would you do this to yourself?" I asked, not expecting Sky's answer.

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