Chapter 28

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When I stopped my car next to a home goods store downtown, Sky looked at me, wide-eyed

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When I stopped my car next to a home goods store downtown, Sky looked at me, wide-eyed.

I didn't lie when I said I didn't care much about those things, but she did. Being a student who depended on her parents' money wasn't easy. Money meant independence and security, and I knew it better than many guys my age.

"Liam, it's too much," Sky mumbled, looking at her hands. "You have Tim and his expenses and-"

"I also live there, and I'm going to get some things for me. I have money I can spend, so let me do it."

Sky nodded. We got out of the car and walked into the store. I headed to the section of scented candles, tossing several into the cart. Those were for both of us.

Images of Sky in my bed while I kissed her plagued my brain, making it impossible for me to focus on work. I didn't know what was going on with me. What I felt went way beyond wanting her, although I wanted her. God, did I want her.

I daydreamed about the girl when I had to talk about my giant fuckup with her ex to my colleagues at our daily meeting. Nobody would care hadn't the douchebag worked for one of the best suppliers. Unfortunately for me, he did, and now our company could forget about the deal we had almost secured.

I felt bad for our business, but I didn't regret hitting the motherfucker. I regretted not having hit him harder.

I spent the rest of the morning thinking about Sky and her tears, Sky and her insecurity, Sky and her hugging me in the kitchen for the first time. Usually, I was the one starting things, but she surprised me yesterday and today. I hoped it meant that she was growing more comfortable around me.

Sky was cheerful and chatty with Ellie, but the quiet, timid, and insecure side of her manifested itself with me, especially when we were alone. I figured it was because I was a guy. And because the jerk whose jaw I should have broken treated her like crap, blaming her for something he wasn't able to do.

She didn't have any issues, of that I was certain. She responded to my every kiss and every touch with the fire so hot it could easily burn us both. All of it - Sky's little moans and the way she leaned into me, seeking my caresses was very far from what that piece of crap told everyone about her.

But then there was Sky's blatant inexperience as if she'd never done any of the intimate things before, and it puzzled me.

"What do you think about this?" Sky stood next to me, holding a photo frame.

I realized that I'd zoned out, staring at the candle in my hands.

"Take several of those," I said. "I got some candles for when you want to be a bad girl."

Blushing, Sky smacked my arm, making me laugh. I took her hand in mine and let her guide me around the store as she chose some cushions, and I insisted on buying some things for our terrace.

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