Chapter 43

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Liam's eyes were the first thing I saw in the morning, as soon as the shrill sound of my alarm broke the silence and jerked me awake

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Liam's eyes were the first thing I saw in the morning, as soon as the shrill sound of my alarm broke the silence and jerked me awake.

I wished I didn't have to go anywhere. Staying where I was, in Liam's arms, seemed to be the best plan ever.

"Sleeping Beauty is awake," Liam mumbled, kissing my neck. "And she doesn't look grumpy despite barely four hours of sleep."

Smiling, I pressed my lips to his jaw. "I couldn't be grumpy after last night."

"I hope it lived up to your expectations," said Liam, hugging me to him. I felt him hard and ready, which did nothing to calm me down. On the contrary, the familiar pressure made itself known as Liam kissed me.

"Not fair." I pouted. "You brushed your teeth."

"And shaved." Liam grinned, pointing to his jaw. "You can touch it to see if it's true."

I ran my fingertips across his smooth skin and kissed his cheek, inhaling the subtle scent of his aftershave.

"I like it," I said, tucking my head in the crook of his neck.

Liam chuckled. "Perks of being an early riser. Years of practice and discipline, all so that you could have your orange. They say an orange a day keeps the doctor away."

I raised my eyebrows. "Orange?"

Chuckling, Liam licked the tender skin on my neck and nibbled on it afterward, waking me up completely.

"Yeah. Sweet, delicious orange. So damn tasty," he murmured, moving his wet mouth down my neck.

"You're weird, roomie," I uttered, struggling to get the words out as Liam went on to kiss my bare breasts.

"The good or the bad kind of weird?" asked Liam, lifting his head off my chest.

"So good," I moaned, feeling his fingers caress me the way he did last night.

"And you're so ready. Let me kiss you again."

Liam focused his eyes on me, awaiting my reply. It took one nod of my head to have his wet mouth trail a path down my body. Then, his lips were on the place that was already burning for him.

My eyes flared when Liam moved one of his fingers inside me, and then one more when I moaned, gripping his hair as he started to move his hand and kiss me faster, caressing me with his tongue.

Fisting his hair, I raised my hips toward his mouth, seeking even more contact. I felt Liam rub a spot inside me, and that action alone set me off, making me say Liam's name and close my eyes as the pleasure rolled over me, wave after delicious wave.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Liam grinned, giving my behind a light slap. "I'm gonna take a cold shower and run to work. I have an early meeting."

"Don't you want me to touch you?" I asked, batting my lashes at him.

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