Chapter 29

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Liam Dupont proudly occupied the top position on the list of the most confusing things in my life, next to the mismatched socks after I'd done the laundry and my hair ties that always went missing

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Liam Dupont proudly occupied the top position on the list of the most confusing things in my life, next to the mismatched socks after I'd done the laundry and my hair ties that always went missing.

After my birthday dinner, he turned into the same cold and detached version of him I was unfortunately familiar with.

As if that wasn't enough, he locked himself in his bedroom. Was he afraid that the doormat named Sky would pathetically go to knock on his door just because he let her believe he wanted her?

I did no such thing.

I took the ridiculously expensive bottle of champagne they gave us at the gala and dragged one of the chairs to the terrace, where I sat wrapped in a fleece blanket.

Liam had issues, and I knew it. He told me he didn't date. He said he didn't want a relationship, and his life was too complicated. He had been honest from the start, but I chose not to listen, telling myself the same lie many girls did - that he would change for me because I was special. I wasn't.

I was stupid and valued myself less than any other girl I knew. I put up with all the unforgivable things Paul had done to me and never stood up for myself, fearing the repercussions. I let Liam do the same, stringing me along and making me believe he felt something.

My phone buzzed when I was about to take the first swig from the bottle.

"Hey, Mom."

"Happy birthday, baby! I'm sorry for not calling earlier; work has been insane."

"It's still early there, it's okay," I said, trying to hold back the tears. "How are you and dad?"

"All is good, but you know how your dad is, always complaining. He'll talk to you as soon as you and I are done. How are your classes?"

"Good," I said, trying to add some cheerfulness to my voice. "The workload is huge, but I think I can manage."

My mom sighed. "Baby, listen, we won't be able to send you extra money for your birthday like we did last year. We have to do some repairs at home, and-"

Refusing to let the news affect me more than they should, I muttered, "No problem." Then, my dad picked up the phone, and a short chat later, I was finally free to taste the champagne.

I had a stupid idea of doing that with Liam. I almost considered taking things a step further with him tonight. I was glad I didn't do it. My dignity was ripped to shreds, but I had to protect the little of it I had left at all costs.

Guys weren't everything. More things in my life screamed for my attention. For starters, my university assignments. The pile of those kept growing, and I hadn't even started studying. Then there was photography and dances. Now that I could use the studio, I was looking forward to starting to dance there.

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