Chapter 44

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The first thing I heard when I stepped into the office was Darren yelling, "Liam, tell me you're not one of them!"

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The first thing I heard when I stepped into the office was Darren yelling, "Liam, tell me you're not one of them!"

I approached the guys, unbuttoning my coat. "It's fucking freezing outside. Hey guys, and what do you mean, Dar?"

"Your buddy's engaged."

"Yeah, he is." I nodded.

Focusing my eyes on Aiden, I noticed something that hadn't been there before- the ring on his finger. "That's new," I said.

"Ellie gave it to me some days ago."

I smiled at my friend. "Really? That's awesome."

"It is. Thanks."

Thoughts of Sky and last night, Sky and this morning made it hard for me to focus. I was still thinking about her when I heard Darren's voice.

"I've just realized something."

Looking at him, Ollie asked, "Realized what?"

"We've never been out together. I mean, all of us. It's all work, problems, deadlines. Maybe what we need is to relax and get to know each other better out of the office. Besides, you and Aiden are both engaged. That's a valid reason for a celebration."

I knew where Dar was coming from. We'd been busy for the last couple of weeks. That generated stress and arguments, making the guys snap at each other.

Ollie scratched his head. "Well, you might be right, but when?"

With a grin, Darren replied, "Tomorrow. Liam, Aiden, are you guys in?"

I wanted to spend time with Sky, but saying yes was the right thing to do. After all, we were junior project managers. Team building was important. I shrugged. "Sure. Tim is on a weekend trip with his class. Aiden, you're tagging along, right?"

Aiden nodded. "Alright."

"Awesome, gentlemen, get ready for an epic outing," Darren rubbed his palms together.

"And may the gods help us all," muttered Ollie, and his best buddy smacked his head with an industry magazine.

Luckily, the rest of the work day went by fast. "Are you going home now?" I asked Aiden when we were done.

"Not right now. It's the last day of Ellie's exams. I wanted to get takeout to celebrate and buy her flowers."



"Cool. Mind if I go with you?" I asked, hoping to talk to him.

"Not at all." Aiden put on his coat and took his things before we walked to the elevators.

I stared at the car keys in my hand as we started the descent. "Listen, Aiden."


I exhaled and looked at the guy. "I've been thinking, and I might do it."

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