Chapter 46

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Despite the morning fogs and the cold temperatures, autumn in Paris was one of my favorite seasons

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Despite the morning fogs and the cold temperatures, autumn in Paris was one of my favorite seasons.

I inhaled deeply and strolled down one of the streets before going to dance, enjoying the crisp autumn air and the sight of the beautiful buildings around me.

I needed to get out of our apartment to be far from Liam's sad eyes and the conversation he probably wanted us to have.

I would let him say what he wanted, but I needed to calm down and collect myself first.

The events of the last two days made me feel drained. The emotional roller-coaster was a permanent thing in my life now.

Unlike many other times in the past, this time, I was proud of myself. For once, I voiced my thoughts and my wishes and didn't fall into the old pattern of being a doormat so that the guy wouldn't get mad at me or leave me, even if that guy was as horrible as my ex.

If Liam wanted us to work, he would make an effort and try to understand me. I cared about him deeply, and seeing the tears on his cheeks broke me just as much as it broke him.

We were both hurt, both of us had issues we needed to work on, and while I sought help, Liam was trying to cope with everything on his own.

I understood his insecurities and his lack of trust. It wasn't easy to open your heart again when someone had already broken it. What hurt me wasn't the way Liam felt, but the lack of communication between us.

We needed to learn to discuss things before the situation got too messed up to solve. I also knew that I should have told him about my ex and his abuse. I was planning to do it eventually.

The sense of calm washed over me when I let myself into the already familiar building. Brigitte never came to the studio on weekends. Although I liked her company and the stories she entertained me with, I was grateful for being able to spend some time alone with my thoughts without anyone's interference.

Once in the dance hall, I changed into a comfortable pair of leggings and a fitted top and put on some soft music to do stretches and relax. Having all afternoon and evening to myself would give me enough time to do that as well as think about what would happen next between Liam and me.

Just like it usually happened when I was doing something I enjoyed, I lost track of time. It got dark outside, and the wind grew stronger, judging by the moving branches I saw in the window.

The music stopped playing. I made a few steps toward the place where I'd put my phone and felt my blood freeze.

Someone was there with me. The unmistakable sound of footfalls echoed in the old building, making the floorboards creak.


I heard Liam's voice outside the hall and exhaled, wiping the light sheen of cold sweat off my forehead.

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