Chapter 70

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I trailed kisses over Liam's shoulder and smiled when he pressed me flush to his body

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I trailed kisses over Liam's shoulder and smiled when he pressed me flush to his body.

"I want to be your bad girl. Wake up," I whispered, biting him just barely.

"Five minutes, sweetheart. You wore me out last night."

I knew Liam was kidding from the way he was smiling. His eyes opened and met mine. He caressed my jaw with his thumb and inched forward to kiss me. "Good morning, baby. So, you wanna be my bad girl?"

Giggling, I made Liam lie on his back and climbed on top of him. "Very bad. And someone is ready."

"Someone is always ready when you are near. Come here."

Liam's hands started to explore my skin while he kissed my lips. We arrived in Paris yesterday. It was difficult not to feel overwhelmed with so many events — our engagement and meeting Liam's grandmother and telling our friends we decided to get married once they were back. Ellie and Aiden would be in Paris close to lunchtime. We agreed to have lunch in our apartment. What they didn't know was that it wasn't only to talk about their honeymoon. Excitement filled me at the prospect of sharing the news with Ellie.

Liam kissed me harder, groaning softly when I caressed his warm skin. His mouth was on my chest when we heard a knock on our bedroom door.

"Are you awake, Liam?"

Although Tim got home from his soccer camp late last night, it was apparent he didn't need as much rest as we did.

"God, why," Liam whispered, pressing one last kiss to my skin.

To Tim, he said, "Wait a minute, buddy. We're going to have breakfast together."

"I'll be in the kitchen," Tim chirped.

His footsteps resounded in the hallway, and Liam sighed, hugging me. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. We would have to continue at night."

"Looking forward to it," I said, pressing my lips to Liam's.

We got dressed and went to have breakfast. Tim had already got his cereal and was chewing when we entered the kitchen.

The boy stopped eating when he saw me. Grinning, Tim took an orange from the fruit bowl and handed it to me. "The biggest for you, Sky. I know you love them."

Liam snorted, getting our coffee ready. I pinched his butt, earning myself a kiss on the lips.

"Sky already ate some oranges last night, Tim. Maybe she doesn't want any," Liam said to his brother.

"I want one," I said, taking the fruit from Tim's hand. "And I wanted one earlier today, but your brother was too lazy to give it to me."

Liam gasped. "Lazy? That's a lie. I'm going to give you all the oranges you want at night. So, you'd better skip dinner."

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