Chapter 15

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The town where Liam grew up was quiet— a massive contrast with the hustle and bustle of Paris

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The town where Liam grew up was quiet— a massive contrast with the hustle and bustle of Paris. People moved slower and seemed more relaxed than in the capital.

"Do you like it?" asked Liam when I stopped to take a picture of a church.

"It's beautiful. Different from the ones in Paris."

"Yeah, it is. Look, how about I buy some flowers now? I'd rather get it done with to have some free time later."

"Sure." I put the camera back in its bag, and Liam and I headed toward a flower shop we'd seen earlier.

We barely made a few steps when Liam's phone started to buzz.

"It's Amelia," Liam said, glancing at the screen. "Go ahead; I'll talk to her and reach you."

Nodding, I strolled to the flower shop. They had all kinds of bouquets imaginable. I stopped to take some pictures of the flower arrangements outside.

Liam was taking too long to come back. Puzzled, I turned around and looked toward the place where I'd left him.

He wasn't talking on the phone anymore. A girl and a guy stood next to him.

Liam was hard to read, but this time, the tension that emanated from him was almost palpable.

I made a few steps toward him. Then, my eyes darted to the dark-haired girl next to Liam. One didn't have to be a genius to realize she was his ex— the same girl who cheated on him in high school.

"Sky," Liam said. "They are Vicky and Etienne. Guys, this is Sky, my—"

"Girlfriend," I said, plastering a sickeningly sweet smile on my face as I took Liam's hand in mine and laced our fingers. "Baby, are you done? If you are, I wanted to show you the flowers I've chosen," I said, looking at him.

"Yeah, sweetheart. Let's go. Nice seeing you, guys."

I saw the look of bewilderment on Vicky's face as she watched us stroll away. I realized she didn't say anything to me at all. Seeing Liam after all these years must have been enough of a shock to her.

"Baby, huh?" Liam chuckled, pressing his lips to my cheek. "Thanks, sweetheart."

"Not at all. Was that your ex?"

Liam nodded. "And the guy next to her was the same guy she cheated on me with. I'm actually relieved. It's good to know she did it for something that lasted."

I stared at him. "And you're not angry? Not even a little?"

"It's over, Sky. Why would I be? We were in high school; it seems to have happened a lifetime ago. I never thought Vicky was the love of my life, anyway."

"You didn't?"

Liam shook his head. "Don't get me wrong; there were feelings and seeing her with another guy hurt like a bitch, but I knew we weren't going anywhere. It needed to happen sooner or later. I have no hard feelings. No feelings at all, to be honest. Do you?"

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