Chapter 38

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My car joined the early morning traffic

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My car joined the early morning traffic. This time, I wasn't heading to La Défense.

I was going to visit my ex-girlfriend in the town that saw me grow up and become who I was today. It also harbored heartache- so damn much of it.

Vicky was cryptic on the phone. I knew she wouldn't have called me hadn't it been important. We didn't keep in touch after we broke up. My father's funeral was when I saw Vicky for the last time, without taking into account that one time Sky and I ran into her.

Once on the highway, I sped up and put the radio on to distract myself from all kinds of unwelcome thoughts. What was so important that she insisted on seeing me in person?

I racked my brain for a logical explanation and didn't find any. It might have had something to do with dancing, seeing we'd been dance partners and used to compete together, but I left that part of my life behind.

The few hours of the drive passed fast, much to my relief. My car rolled onto one of the quiet streets in a nice area of my hometown. I parked the vehicle and got out of it, casting a glance at the modern residential building in front of me. It was where Vicky lived now.

Inhaling deeply, I locked the car and strolled to the apartment complex. The foyer door opened without delay as soon as I pressed the button on the intercom.

I took the elevator to the fifth floor. When I exited the machine, one of the open apartment doors caught my eye.
Then, I saw Vicky.

"Liam, come on in."

"Hey," I greeted my ex-girlfriend and followed her into a spacious hallway.

"Thank you for coming," Vicky said with a smile. "I apologize for not telling you much on the phone. I would've driven to Paris to see you, but it's not easy."

"Why?" I asked.

Then, my eyes widened, and my heart threatened to break my ribcage.

A toddler was behind Vicky. The boy stood clutching a toy car in his small hands. He couldn't have been older than-

I stared at the girl in front of me, my mouth hanging open, and she frowned, confused by my reaction. Then, Vicky laughed.

"Oh, God, no! Samuel isn't yours. That's what you thought, right?"

"Damn." I let out a relieved breath. "You could've given me a heads-up. All that mystery made me wonder," I said, crouching down to be level with the boy. "Hey, buddy."

The kid smiled and then hid behind Vicky's legs.

"He's shy." She chuckled, ruffling his dark hair. "Let's go to the kitchen. I owe you a cup of coffee and an explanation."

"Where's Etienne?" I asked, sitting on a chair while Vicky busied herself with the kettle.

"At work. He knows I asked you to come here. Samuel is home because he had a fever, and Etienne couldn't take a day off at work to stay with him-"

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