Chapter 50

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"What are your plans for today?" Liam whispered against my forehead and pressed his lips to it

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"What are your plans for today?" Liam whispered against my forehead and pressed his lips to it. We spent the night together after talking until midnight and holding each other. Now, as the first morning light seeped into my bedroom, I wished my only plan was to stay with him.

"The girls and I will meet at the library after today's lectures to finish the project for Econ. We have to hand it in tomorrow. Then, I'll be free."

Liam kissed my cheek and then moved his lips to my neck. "Okay. So, you won't be home late?"

"No," I whispered. "I should be back by seven at the latest. Why?"

"Just asking. Tim has soccer; then, I'll pick him up and pack for the trip. We'll travel after your classes tomorrow. It's almost three hundred miles. I'd rather we left Paris before it's dark."

I smiled and pressed my lips to Liam's jaw. "I'm excited about going to the mountains with you."

Liam grinned. "Me too. And I really want to call in sick right now."

"We can't," I said. "I need to get ready."

Liam yawned and stretched in bed. "Me too."

Reluctantly, I freed myself from Liam's arms and went to take a shower.

Despite not sleeping much for the last couple of nights, I was full of energy in the morning and had some of it still when the girls and I sat at a desk at the university library.

"Almost everything is ready," said Diane as she opened her laptop. "We only need to add a bibliography and proofread the work. The prof hates typos."

"I already put together the list of books we used," I said. "I want you to take a look at it and tell me if it's okay."

I sent the file to Diane and Natalie. Both girls read through it and smiled at me. "It's perfect!"

The project was ready in no time. We still had to answer questions in class tomorrow, but the three of us knew the topic well. For the first time, I wasn't worried about the grade I would receive.

"Any plans for the winter break?" asked Natalie.

I grinned. "I'm traveling to the French Alps tomorrow."

Diane gasped. "Lucky you! The place is fantastic. Take some pictures of the snow for us to be jealous."

Laughing, I shoved my laptop in the bag. "I will; don't worry. I'm taking my photography equipment with me. It's the first time I'm going to see the Alps."

"You'll love it there," said Natalie. "I've been to that part of France twice, and I'd love to visit it again."

The girls picked up their things, and we walked out of the library.

"See you tomorrow, Sky!" The two of them waved at me and went in the opposite direction.

It was almost seven. I thought about sending Liam a text to say I was on my way as I started to button up my coat.

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