Chapter 58

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Receiving a call from Felix at the end of my workday put an end to my state of calm

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Receiving a call from Felix at the end of my workday put an end to my state of calm. Felix told me he had news about Sky's ex. I decided to meet him next to our apartment building and test the waters before he talked to Sky.

The man was already waiting for me when I made it home. We shook hands, and I studied the look on his face, trying to guess what kind of message he would deliver.

"Paul Brown has been arrested," said Antoine's dad.

The loud breath I let out, and the look of relief on my face made Felix put his hand on my shoulder and squeeze it as he gave me a small smile.

However, I did notice there was more to it. Something else was going on.

"He'll go to jail, right?" I asked.

Felix nodded. "He will. You shouldn't worry about that. It took my colleagues some time, but luckily for Sky, her attacker wasn't too careful."

"Is anything else going on?"

The look on the man's face confirmed my suspicions.

"Is it bad?"

"No, Liam, it's not bad per se, but it does change things for us. It turned out Sky wasn't his only victim in France."

I swallowed, feeling my mouth go dry.  "How many were there?"

Felix looked me straight in the eye. "There was one more girl in Marseille. We notified our colleagues there, and they started digging. It would've been complicated to prove his involvement hadn't it been for the video they found. Paul Brown wasn't careful. The girl was drugged at a party and didn't know who her attacker was."

"Son of a bitch," I muttered. "So, what now?"

"There will be a hearing in a bit less than two weeks. Sky will be notified officially, but I wanted to give you a heads up. Now, she can ask an attorney to represent her if she doesn't want to be present in court. In case she chooses to be there, she will most likely have to testify. That decision is up to her. I will explain everything to your girlfriend now."

Felix headed toward our building.

"Wait," I said, making him halt midstep.

"Yes, Liam?"

It took me a moment to speak. "That video you mentioned. Is that something you think he always did?"

Felix's eyes sought mine. "I guess what you really want to know is whether he also has one of Sky."

"Yeah," I whispered. "You would know, right?"

Sighing, Felix rubbed his forehead. "I'd love to tell you he doesn't, but we don't know for sure. If he had one, he must have destroyed it."

"I see," I mumbled. Then, I accompanied Antoine's dad to our apartment, where Sky was already waiting for me.

She failed to hide the fear when she saw Felix in our hallway. I hugged her to me while the man told her everything. The mention of another victim and the video was what made Sky break down and sob into my chest.

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