Chapter 9

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Adjusting the strap of the camera bag on my shoulder, I walked into the gym, instantly perking up at the sound of an upbeat tune coming from the speakers

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Adjusting the strap of the camera bag on my shoulder, I walked into the gym, instantly perking up at the sound of an upbeat tune coming from the speakers.

"Sky, I'm glad you're here already." Jeff approached me almost immediately. "What's the plan for today?"

"Hey," I greeted him. "I was going to take pictures of the girls for a change."

Jeff chuckled. "Tired of too much testosterone?"

"Pretty much." I winked. "Have you told your clients I might take pictures of them at some point?"

"Yeah, they know it. Don't worry; nobody will find it weird. Just do your thing. I'll be in my office if you need anything."

Nodding, I left my jacket on a hanger and made my way to the back of the gym.

Several girls were doing stretches on a mat, and I decided to start from there.

Just like Jeff had said earlier, nobody paid attention to me and my camera. The music drowned out the sound of the shutter.

I focused the camera on one of the girls. With her dark hair and the perfect body clad in nothing but a pair of tiny shorts and a sports bra, she'd definitely catch Jeff's prospective clients' eye if he uploaded her photos to the website and the gym's social media profiles.

Doing my best to focus on the task at hand, I made an effort to stop thinking about Liam and our dinner yesterday.

He called me sweetheart and kissed my cheek. Again.

Although those kisses were absolutely normal in France, Liam's kisses felt different. Yesterday, as we stood in the dark kitchen and he pressed his lips to my skin, I almost wished he'd move them to my mouth and kissed me senseless. For a short-lived moment, it seemed as if Liam was holding back. As ridiculous as that was, I thought he wanted something else from me, and I didn't get much sleep last night, replaying every moment with him in my head.

Looking at the same girl through the viewfinder, I adjusted the depth of field and was about to snap a picture when my phone buzzed with a text.

Paul: Have you thought about what I said? When can I see you again?

My fingers hovered over the screen, unable to decide what to type.

Finally, seeing that it wouldn't take the girls much longer to finish their routine, I decided to reply and focus on work.

Me: I'm busy. Talk to you later.

I didn't care much about his answer. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I took a series of pictures.

"I think I'm done," the dark-haired girl said, sitting on the mat. "I've been here for ages."

"That's because you wanted to see him." Her friend giggled before opening a bottle of water and taking a sip.

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