Chapter 16

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Sky and I woke up in the same bed

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Sky and I woke up in the same bed. Somehow, she was still in my arms, and her heat burned me through the thin cotton of her top. The feeling was new, and I liked it way too much.

"Good morning," Sky said, glancing at me shyly.

"Morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?"

"Very well." She smiled. "I'm surprised you're still here."

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be." I pressed my lips to Sky's cheek and hugged her tighter. Her frantic heartbeat matched mine.

I was cuddling a girl in bed after we spent half of the night slow-dancing. Could I go on fooling myself and pretend it was friendship?

"I like being with you," I whispered, kissing her cheek once more, hell-bent on making things worse and more confusing.

Sky smiled before freeing herself from my embrace and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I was going to show her the lake and the beach before heading home, and that was what I did.

After breakfast, I drove us to the lake where she took pictures, marveling at the scenery. There was more of hand-holding and cheek-kissing. I couldn't help it.

All of it was so unlike me and so new that I struggled to recognize myself. I didn't understand what the hell I was doing. It must've been strange to Sky as well. She spent the drive back to Paris fiddling with her phone, quieter than before.

Once at home, we slept in our separate bedrooms. I hated not having her warm body pressed to mine, but I couldn't just ask her to sleep with me out of the blue. We were crossing all the lines, craving each other's touch, and stealing glances at each other.

The air in the apartment was lit with tension. I wanted to act on it, but couldn't. It would change everything between us, and I didn't have a solid plan regarding how to deal with it.


"You look happy, junior. Anything your colleague and your manager needs to know?" asked Darren as soon as I started working at the office the following morning.

Dar was a great guy, but he wasn't the one to keep his mouth shut. He seemed to enjoy the office gossip and knew everything about everyone. It didn't bother me, but I wasn't the one to talk about my private life with others.

"Nothing. I rested well; that's it."

"Not as well as your buddy in Martinique." He grinned. "Have you heard from him?"

I chuckled. "Not yet. I'm sure he's busy. I guess he'll get in touch when he can."

"Guacamollie is out of town with his fiancee too." Darren sighed. "This damn love virus doesn't spare anyone."

Ollie, also known as Guacamollie, was an architect and Darren's best buddy. They started at Fauber Construction together years ago and were inseparable, despite the frequent fights we all grew accustomed to.

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