Chapter 37

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Sky's taste, smell, the softness of her skin, and the heat of her body pressed to mine tested every bit of my control, overloading my senses

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Sky's taste, smell, the softness of her skin, and the heat of her body pressed to mine tested every bit of my control, overloading my senses.

It'd been two hours of our kisses and caresses. Every time we stopped, the invisible pull made us seek each other again — lips, tongues, teeth, hands.

I wouldn't take things too far, even though the desire was killing me. Sky wasn't giving me her lips to kiss and her beautiful body to touch. She was giving me her trust, and it meant more than anything else to me. Knowing that I was the guy she wanted made me strangely proud. Sky's tentative caresses provoked such a mix of sensations I found myself shaking as if I had never been intimate with a girl before.

Now, my lips were traveling over the smooth skin on Sky's stomach. She giggled softly when I traced her belly button with my tongue.

"Ticklish?" I asked

Sky whispered, "A bit."

I heard her stomach grumble and pressed my ear to it, pretending to be listening in. "Wait, what was it? Are you hungry, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I think so," said Sky. "I was too nervous and didn't have dinner."

"Nervous why?"

"Waiting for you to come home."

Sky's words filled my chest with warmth. Knowing that she missed me meant more than she knew.

"Do we have anything to eat in the fridge?"

"Yes, we made some chicken breasts with vegetables, and there are mashed potatoes, but it's three in the morning, Liam."

"So what? We will call it an early breakfast. Stay in bed, beautiful and naked. I'll get everything ready and bring it here."

I placed a small kiss between Sky's breasts and got up from the bed, knowing that she was watching me as I pulled a tee and some shorts from my travel bag on the floor and got dressed hastily.

"Don't blush so much, roomie," I teased. Sky said nothing, and when I turned around to look at her, I saw that she was hiding under the comforter.

Hovering over the bed, I squeezed her backside, making her shake with laughter. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

The stupid grin was plastered on my face while I got our food ready, trying not to make too much noise. When I was back, Sky was sitting on the bed, wrapped in a sheet.

Her shyness was adorable. Sky was stunning and had a killer body. Yet, she didn't seem to realize how pretty she was and how much I liked and wanted her.

"Here you are." I took one of the plates and handed it to Sky together with a glass of water. Then, I settled on the bed next to her.

"Thank you." She smiled, looking at the food and licking her lips as if she hadn't eaten in days.

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